Source code for gsf.streamencoder

# - Gbtc
#  Copyright © 2021, Grid Protection Alliance.  All Rights Reserved.
#  Licensed to the Grid Protection Alliance (GPA) under one or more contributor license agreements. See
#  the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
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#  Code Modification History:
#  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  01/31/2021 - J. Ritchie Carroll
#       Generated original version of source code.

from .encoding7bit import Encoding7Bit
from . import ByteSize
from typing import Callable, Optional
import sys
import numpy as np

[docs] class StreamEncoder: """ Defines functions for encoding and decoding native types to and from a stream. For this class, a stream is simply an abstract notion based on provided functions that read and write byte buffers as Python `bytes` objects advancing a position in the base stream. The read/write functions simply wrap a base object that can handle input and output as bytes, e.g., a `bytearray` or a `socket`. """ # Source C# reference: GSF.IO.StreamExtensions def __init__(self, read: Callable[[int], bytes], write: Callable[[bytes], int], default_byteorder: str = sys.byteorder): """ Parameters ---------- read : func(length: int) -> bytes Read function that accepts desired number of bytes to read and returns `bytes` object of read bytes. Actual length of returned `bytes` object may be less than desired number of bytes. write: func(buffer: bytes) -> int Write function that accepts a `bytes` object and returns count of bytes written. It is expected that call to write will successfully write all bytes, i.e., returned length should match `buffer` length. """ self._read = read self._write = write self._default_byteorder = default_byteorder self._default_is_native = self._default_byteorder == sys.byteorder @property def default_byteorder(self) -> str: return self._default_byteorder
[docs] def write(self, source_buffer: bytes, offset: int, count: int) -> int: if self._write(source_buffer[offset:offset + count]) != count: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to write {count:,} bytes to stream") return count
[docs] def read(self, target_buffer: bytearray, offset: int, count: int) -> int: # `count` is requested size, value is treated as max return size buffer = self._read(count) read_length = len(buffer) for i in range(read_length): target_buffer[offset + i] = buffer[i] return read_length
[docs] def write_byte(self, value: np.uint8) -> int: size = ByteSize.UINT8 if self._write(int(value).to_bytes(size, self._default_byteorder)) != size: raise RuntimeError("Failed to write 1-byte to stream") return size
[docs] def read_byte(self) -> np.uint8: size = ByteSize.UINT8 # call expects one byte to be available in base stream buffer = self._read(size) if len(buffer) != size: raise RuntimeError("Failed to read 1-byte from stream") return np.uint8(buffer[0])
[docs] def write_bool(self, value: bool) -> int: if value: self.write_byte(1) else: self.write_byte(0) return 1
[docs] def read_bool(self) -> bool: # call expects one byte to be available in base stream return self.read_byte() != 0
def _write_int(self, size: int, value: int, signed: bool, byteorder: Optional[str]) -> int: # sourcery skip: remove-unnecessary-cast if self._write(int(value).to_bytes(size, self._default_byteorder if byteorder is None else byteorder, signed=signed)) != size: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to write {size}-bytes to stream") return size def _read_int(self, size: int, dtype: np.dtype, byteorder: Optional[str]) -> int: # call expects needed bytes to be available in base stream buffer = self._read(size) if len(buffer) != size: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to read {size}-bytes from stream") if not (byteorder is None and self._default_is_native) and byteorder != sys.byteorder: dtype = dtype.newbyteorder() return np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype)[0]
[docs] def write_int16(self, value: np.int16, byteorder: Optional[str] = None) -> int: return self._write_int(ByteSize.INT16, value, True, byteorder)
[docs] def read_int16(self, byteorder: Optional[str] = None) -> np.int16: return self._read_int(ByteSize.INT16, np.dtype(np.int16), byteorder)
[docs] def write_uint16(self, value: np.uint16, byteorder: Optional[str] = None) -> int: return self._write_int(ByteSize.UINT16, value, False, byteorder)
[docs] def read_uint16(self, byteorder: Optional[str] = None) -> np.uint16: return self._read_int(ByteSize.UINT16, np.dtype(np.uint16), byteorder)
[docs] def write_int32(self, value: np.int32, byteorder: Optional[str] = None) -> int: return self._write_int(ByteSize.INT32, value, True, byteorder)
[docs] def read_int32(self, byteorder: Optional[str] = None) -> np.int32: return self._read_int(ByteSize.INT32, np.dtype(np.int32), byteorder)
[docs] def write_uint32(self, value: np.uint32, byteorder: Optional[str] = None) -> int: return self._write_int(ByteSize.UINT32, value, False, byteorder)
[docs] def read_uint32(self, byteorder: Optional[str] = None) -> np.uint32: return self._read_int(ByteSize.UINT32, np.dtype(np.uint32), byteorder)
[docs] def write_int64(self, value: np.int64, byteorder: Optional[str] = None) -> int: return self._write_int(ByteSize.INT64, value, True, byteorder)
[docs] def read_int64(self, byteorder: Optional[str] = None) -> np.int64: return self._read_int(ByteSize.INT64, np.dtype(np.int64), byteorder)
[docs] def write_uint64(self, value: np.uint64, byteorder: Optional[str] = None) -> int: return self._write_int(ByteSize.UINT64, value, False, byteorder)
[docs] def read_uint64(self, byteorder: Optional[str] = None) -> np.uint64: return self._read_int(ByteSize.UINT64, np.dtype(np.uint64), byteorder)
[docs] def write7bit_uint32(self, value: np.uint32) -> int: return Encoding7Bit.WriteUInt32(self.write_byte, value)
[docs] def read7bit_uint32(self) -> np.uint32: # call expects one to five bytes to be available in base stream return Encoding7Bit.ReadUInt32(self.read_byte)
[docs] def write7bit_uint64(self, value: np.uint64) -> int: return Encoding7Bit.WriteUInt64(self.write_byte, value)
[docs] def read7bit_uint64(self) -> np.uint64: # call expects one to nine bytes to be available in base stream return Encoding7Bit.ReadUInt64(self.read_byte)