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#  Code Modification History:
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#  09/03/2022 - J. Ritchie Carroll
#       Generated original version of source code.
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from gsf import normalize_enumname
from .errors import EvaluateError
from enum import IntEnum
from typing import Optional, Tuple

[docs] class ExpressionType(IntEnum): """ Defines an enumeration of possible expression types. """ VALUE = 0 """ Value expression type. """ UNARY = 1 """ Unary expression type. """ COLUMN = 2 """ Column expression type. """ INLIST = 3 """ In-list expression type. """ FUNCTION = 4 """ Function expression type. """ OPERATOR = 5 """ Operator expression type. """
[docs] class ExpressionValueType(IntEnum): """ Defines an enumeration of possible expression value data types. These expression value data types are reduced to a reasonable set of possible types that can be represented in a filter expression. All data table column values will be mapped to these types. """ BOOLEAN = 0 """ Boolean value type for an expression, i.e., `bool`. """ INT32 = 1 """ 32-bit integer value type for an expression, i.e., `numpy.int32`. """ INT64 = 2 """ 64-bit integer value type for an expression, i.e., `numpy.int64`. """ DECIMAL = 3 """ Decimal value type for an expression, i.e., `decimal.Decimal`. """ DOUBLE = 4 """ Double value type for an expression, i.e., `numpy.float64`. """ STRING = 5 """ String value type for an expression, i.e., `str`. """ GUID = 6 """ GUID value type for an expression, i.e., `uuid.UUID`. """ DATETIME = 7 """ DateTime value type for an expression, i.e., `datetime.datetime`. """ UNDEFINED = 8 """ Undefined value type for an expression, i.e., `None`. """
EXPRESSIONVALUETYPELEN = ExpressionValueType.UNDEFINED + 1 """ Defines the number of elements in the `ExpressionValueType` enumeration. """
[docs] def is_integertype(type: ExpressionValueType) -> bool: """ Determines if the specified expression value type is an integer type. """ return type in [ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN, ExpressionValueType.INT32, ExpressionValueType.INT64]
[docs] def is_numerictype(type: ExpressionValueType) -> bool: """ Determines if the specified expression value type is a numeric type. """ return type in [ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN, ExpressionValueType.INT32, ExpressionValueType.INT64, ExpressionValueType.DECIMAL, ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE]
[docs] class ExpressionUnaryType(IntEnum): """ Defines an enumeration of possible unary expression types. """ PLUS = 0 """ Positive unary expression type, i.e., `+`. """ MINUS = 1 """ Negative unary expression type, i.e., `-`. """ NOT = 2 """ Not unary expression type, i.e., `~` or `!`. """ def __str__(self): return "+" if self.value == 0 else \ "-" if self.value == 1 else "~"
[docs] class ExpressionFunctionType(IntEnum): """ Defines an enumeration of possible expression function types. """ ABS = 0 """ Defines a function type that returns the absolute value of the specified numeric expression. """ CEILING = 1 """ Defines a function type that returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified numeric expression. """ COALESCE = 2 """ Defines a function type that returns the first non-null value from the specified expression list. """ CONVERT = 3 """ Defines a function type that converts the specified expression to the specified data type. """ CONTAINS = 4 """ Defines a function type that returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified string expression contains the specified substring. """ DATEADD = 5 """ Defines a function type that adds the specified number of specified `TimeInterval` units to the specified date expression. """ DATEDIFF = 6 """ Defines a function type that returns the number of specified `TimeInterval` units between the specified date expressions. """ DATEPART = 7 """ Defines a function type that returns the specified `TimeInterval` unit from the specified date expression. """ ENDSWITH = 8 """ Defines a function type that returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified string expression ends with the specified substring. """ FLOOR = 9 """ Defines a function type that returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified numeric expression. """ IIF = 10 """ Defines a function type that returns the first expression if the specified boolean expression is true, otherwise returns the second expression. """ INDEXOF = 11 """ Defines a function type that returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the specified substring in the specified string expression. """ ISDATE = 12 """ Defines a function type that returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified string expression is a valid date. """ ISINTEGER = 13 """ Defines a function type that returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified string expression is a valid integer. """ ISGUID = 14 """ Defines a function type that returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified string expression is a valid GUID. """ ISNULL = 15 """ Defines a function type that returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified expression is null. """ ISNUMERIC = 16 """ Defines a function type that returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified string expression is a valid numeric value. """ LASTINDEXOF = 17 """ Defines a function type that returns the zero-based index of the last occurrence of the specified substring in the specified string expression. """ LEN = 18 """ Defines a function type that returns the length of the specified string expression. """ LOWER = 19 """ Defines a function type that returns the specified string expression converted to lower if self.value ==. """ MAXOF = 20 """ Defines a function type that returns the maximum value of the specified expression list. """ MINOF = 21 """ Defines a function type that returns the minimum value of the specified expression list. """ NOW = 22 """ Defines a function type that returns the current local date and time. """ NTHINDEXOF = 23 """ Defines a function type that returns the zero-based index of the nth occurrence of the specified substring in the specified string expression. """ POWER = 24 """ Defines a function type that returns the specified numeric expression raised to the specified power. """ REGEXMATCH = 25 """ Defines a function type that returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified string expression matches the specified regular expression. """ REGEXVAL = 26 """ Defines a function type that returns the first matching value of the specified regular expression in the specified string expression. """ REPLACE = 27 """ Defines a function type that returns the specified string expression with the specified substring replaced with the specified replacement string. """ REVERSE = 28 """ Defines a function type that returns the specified string expression with the characters in reverse order. """ ROUND = 29 """ Defines a function type that returns the specified numeric expression rounded to the specified number of decimal places. """ SPLIT = 30 """ Defines a function type that returns the zero-based nth string value from the specified string expression split by the specified delimiter, or null if out of range. """ SQRT = 31 """ Defines a function type that returns the square root of the specified numeric expression. """ STARTSWITH = 32 """ Defines a function type that returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified string expression starts with the specified substring. """ STRCOUNT = 33 """ Defines a function type that returns the number of occurrences of the specified substring in the specified string expression. """ STRCMP = 34 """ Defines a function type that returns an integer value representing the comparision of the specified left and right strings. Returned value will be -1 if left is less-than right, 1 if left is greater-than right, or 0 if left equals right. """ SUBSTR = 35 """ Defines a function type that returns a substring of the specified string expression starting at the specified index and with the specified length. """ TRIM = 36 """ Defines a function type that returns the specified string expression with the specified characters trimmed from the beginning and end. """ TRIMLEFT = 37 """ Defines a function type that returns the specified string expression with the specified characters trimmed from the beginning. """ TRIMRIGHT = 38 """ Defines a function type that returns the specified string expression with the specified characters trimmed from the end. """ UPPER = 39 """ Defines a function type that returns the specified string expression converted to upper if self.value ==. """ UTCNOW = 40 """ Defines a function type that returns the current date and time in UTC. """
[docs] class ExpressionOperatorType(IntEnum): """ Defines an enumeration of possible expression operator types. """ MULTIPLY = 0 """ Defines an operator type `*` that multiplies the left and right expressions. """ DIVIDE = 1 """ Defines an operator type `/` that divides the left and right expressions. """ MODULUS = 2 """ Defines an operator type `%` that returns the remainder of the left and right expressions. """ ADD = 3 """ Defines an operator type `+` that adds the left and right expressions. """ SUBTRACT = 4 """ Defines an operator type `-` that subtracts the right expression from the left expression. """ BITSHIFTLEFT = 5 """ Defines an operator type `<<` that shifts the left expression left by the number of bits specified by the right expression. """ BITSHIFTRIGHT = 6 """ Defines an operator type `>>` that shifts the left expression right by the number of bits specified by the right expression. """ BITWISEAND = 7 """ Defines an operator type `&` that performs a bitwise AND operation on the left and right expressions. """ BITWISEOR = 8 """ Defines an operator type `|` that performs a bitwise OR operation on the left and right expressions. """ BITWISEXOR = 9 """ Defines an operator type `^` that performs a bitwise XOR operation on the left and right expressions. """ LESSTHAN = 10 """ Defines an operator type `<` that returns a boolean value indicating whether the left expression is less than the right expression. """ LESSTHANOREQUAL = 11 """ Defines an operator type `<=` that returns a boolean value indicating whether the left expression is less than or equal to the right expression. """ GREATERTHAN = 12 """ Defines an operator type `>` that returns a boolean value indicating whether the left expression is greater than the right expression. """ GREATERTHANOREQUAL = 13 """ Defines an operator type `>=` that returns a boolean value indicating whether the left expression is greater than or equal to the right expression. """ EQUAL = 14 """ Defines an operator type `=` or `==` that returns a boolean value indicating whether the left expression is equal to the right expression. """ EQUALEXACTMATCH = 15 """ Defines an operator type `===` that returns a boolean value indicating whether the left expression is equal to the right expression, case-sensitive. """ NOTEQUAL = 16 """ Defines an operator type `<>` or `!=` that returns a boolean value indicating whether the left expression is not equal to the right expression. """ NOTEQUALEXACTMATCH = 17 """ Defines an operator type `!==` that returns a boolean value indicating whether the left expression is not equal to the right expression, case-sensitive. """ ISNULL = 18 """ Defines an operator type `IS NULL` that returns a boolean value indicating whether the left expression is null. """ ISNOTNULL = 19 """ Defines an operator type `IS NOT NULL` that returns a boolean value indicating whether the left expression is not null. """ LIKE = 20 """ Defines an operator type `LIKE` that returns a boolean value indicating whether the left expression matches the right expression patten. """ LIKEEXACTMATCH = 21 """ Defines an operator type `LIKE BINARY` or `LIKE ===` that returns a boolean value indicating whether the left expression matches the right expression patten, case-sensitive. """ NOTLIKE = 22 """ Defines an operator type `NOT LIKE` that returns a boolean value indicating whether the left expression does not match the right expression patten. """ NOTLIKEEXACTMATCH = 23 """ Defines an operator type `NOT LIKE BINARY` or `NOT LIKE ===` that returns a boolean value indicating whether the left expression does not match the right expression patten, case-sensitive. """ AND = 24 """ Defines an operator type `AND` that returns a boolean value indicating whether the left expression and the right expression are both true. """ OR = 25 """ Defines an operator type `OR` that returns a boolean value indicating whether the left expression or the right expression is true. """ def __str__(self): if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.MULTIPLY: return "*" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.DIVIDE: return "/" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.MODULUS: return "%" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.ADD: return "+" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.SUBTRACT: return "-" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.BITSHIFTLEFT: return "<<" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.BITSHIFTRIGHT: return ">>" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.BITWISEAND: return "&" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.BITWISEOR: return "|" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.BITWISEXOR: return "^" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.LESSTHAN: return "<" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.LESSTHANOREQUAL: return "<=" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.GREATERTHAN: return ">" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.GREATERTHANOREQUAL: return ">=" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.EQUAL: return "=" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.EQUALEXACTMATCH: return "===" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.NOTEQUAL: return "<>" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.NOTEQUALEXACTMATCH: return "!==" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.ISNULL: return "IS NULL" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.ISNOTNULL: return "IS NOT NULL" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.LIKE: return "LIKE" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.LIKEEXACTMATCH: return "LIKE BINARY" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.NOTLIKE: return "NOT LIKE" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.NOTLIKEEXACTMATCH: return "NOT LIKE BINARY" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.AND: return "AND" if self.value == ExpressionOperatorType.OR: return "OR"
[docs] class TimeInterval(IntEnum): """ Defines enumeration of possible DateTime intervals. """ YEAR = 0 """ Represents the year part of a DateTime expression. """ MONTH = 1 """ Represents the month part (1-12) of a DateTime expression. """ DAYOFYEAR = 2 """ Represents the day of the year (1-366) of a DateTime expression. """ DAY = 3 """ Represents the day part (1-31) of a DateTime expression. """ WEEK = 4 """ Represents the week part (1-53) of a DateTime expression. """ WEEKDAY = 5 """ Represents the weekday part (0-6) of a DateTime expression. """ HOUR = 6 """ Represents the hour part (0-23) of a DateTime expression. """ MINUTE = 7 """ Represents the minute part (0-59) of a DateTime expression. """ SECOND = 8 """ Represents the second part (0-59) of a DateTime expression. """ MILLISECOND = 9 """ Represents the millisecond part (0-999) of a DateTime expression. """
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, name: str) -> Optional["TimeInterval"]: return getattr(cls, name.upper(), None)
# Operation Value Type Selectors # sourcery skip
[docs] def derive_operationvaluetype(operationtype: ExpressionOperatorType, leftvaluetype: ExpressionValueType, rightvaluetype: ExpressionValueType) -> Tuple[ExpressionValueType, Optional[Exception]]: if operationtype in [ ExpressionOperatorType.MULTIPLY, ExpressionOperatorType.DIVIDE, ExpressionOperatorType.ADD, ExpressionOperatorType.SUBTRACT]: return derive_arithmetic_operationvaluetype(operationtype, leftvaluetype, rightvaluetype) if operationtype in [ ExpressionOperatorType.MODULUS, ExpressionOperatorType.BITWISEAND, ExpressionOperatorType.BITWISEOR, ExpressionOperatorType.BITWISEXOR]: return derive_integer_operationvaluetype(operationtype, leftvaluetype, rightvaluetype) if operationtype in [ ExpressionOperatorType.LESSTHAN, ExpressionOperatorType.LESSTHANOREQUAL, ExpressionOperatorType.GREATERTHAN, ExpressionOperatorType.GREATERTHANOREQUAL, ExpressionOperatorType.EQUAL, ExpressionOperatorType.EQUALEXACTMATCH, ExpressionOperatorType.NOTEQUAL, ExpressionOperatorType.NOTEQUALEXACTMATCH]: return derive_comparison_operationvaluetype(operationtype, leftvaluetype, rightvaluetype) if operationtype in [ ExpressionOperatorType.AND, ExpressionOperatorType.OR]: return derive_boolean_operationvaluetype(operationtype, leftvaluetype, rightvaluetype) return leftvaluetype, None
# sourcery skip
[docs] def derive_arithmetic_operationvaluetype(operationtype: ExpressionOperatorType, leftvaluetype: ExpressionValueType, rightvaluetype: ExpressionValueType) -> Tuple[ExpressionValueType, Optional[Exception]]: if leftvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN: return derive_arithmetic_operationvaluetype_fromboolean(operationtype, rightvaluetype) if leftvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.INT32: return derive_arithmetic_operationvaluetype_fromint32(operationtype, rightvaluetype) if leftvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.INT64: return derive_arithmetic_operationvaluetype_fromint64(operationtype, rightvaluetype) if leftvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.DECIMAL: return derive_arithmetic_operationvaluetype_fromdecimal(operationtype, rightvaluetype) if leftvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE: return derive_arithmetic_operationvaluetype_fromdouble(operationtype, rightvaluetype) if leftvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.STRING and operationtype == ExpressionOperatorType.ADD: return ExpressionValueType.STRING, None return ExpressionValueType.UNDEFINED, EvaluateError(f"cannot perform \"{normalize_enumname(operationtype)}\" operation on \"{normalize_enumname(leftvaluetype)}\" and \"{normalize_enumname(rightvaluetype)}\"")
[docs] def derive_arithmetic_operationvaluetype_fromboolean(operationtype: ExpressionOperatorType, rightvaluetype: ExpressionValueType) -> Tuple[ExpressionValueType, Optional[Exception]]: # sourcery skip if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN: return ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.INT32: return ExpressionValueType.INT32, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.INT64: return ExpressionValueType.INT64, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.DECIMAL: return ExpressionValueType.DECIMAL, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE: return ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.STRING and operationtype == ExpressionOperatorType.ADD: return ExpressionValueType.STRING, None return ExpressionValueType.UNDEFINED, EvaluateError(f"cannot perform \"{normalize_enumname(operationtype)}\" operation on \"Boolean\" and \"{normalize_enumname(rightvaluetype)}\"")
[docs] def derive_arithmetic_operationvaluetype_fromint32(operationtype: ExpressionOperatorType, rightvaluetype: ExpressionValueType) -> Tuple[ExpressionValueType, Optional[Exception]]: # sourcery skip if rightvaluetype in [ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN, ExpressionValueType.INT32]: return ExpressionValueType.INT32, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.INT64: return ExpressionValueType.INT64, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.DECIMAL: return ExpressionValueType.DECIMAL, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE: return ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.STRING and operationtype == ExpressionOperatorType.ADD: return ExpressionValueType.STRING, None return ExpressionValueType.UNDEFINED, EvaluateError(f"cannot perform \"{normalize_enumname(operationtype)}\" operation on \"Int32\" and \"{normalize_enumname(rightvaluetype)}\"")
[docs] def derive_arithmetic_operationvaluetype_fromint64(operationtype: ExpressionOperatorType, rightvaluetype: ExpressionValueType) -> Tuple[ExpressionValueType, Optional[Exception]]: # sourcery skip if rightvaluetype in [ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN, ExpressionValueType.INT32, ExpressionValueType.INT64]: return ExpressionValueType.INT64, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.DECIMAL: return ExpressionValueType.DECIMAL, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE: return ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.STRING and operationtype == ExpressionOperatorType.ADD: return ExpressionValueType.STRING, None return ExpressionValueType.UNDEFINED, EvaluateError(f"cannot perform \"{normalize_enumname(operationtype)}\" operation on \"Int64\" and \"{normalize_enumname(rightvaluetype)}\"")
[docs] def derive_arithmetic_operationvaluetype_fromdecimal(operationtype: ExpressionOperatorType, rightvaluetype: ExpressionValueType) -> Tuple[ExpressionValueType, Optional[Exception]]: # sourcery skip if rightvaluetype in [ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN, ExpressionValueType.INT32, ExpressionValueType.INT64, ExpressionValueType.DECIMAL]: return ExpressionValueType.DECIMAL, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE: return ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.STRING and operationtype == ExpressionOperatorType.ADD: return ExpressionValueType.STRING, None return ExpressionValueType.UNDEFINED, EvaluateError(f"cannot perform \"{normalize_enumname(operationtype)}\" operation on \"Decimal\" and \"{normalize_enumname(rightvaluetype)}\"")
[docs] def derive_arithmetic_operationvaluetype_fromdouble(operationtype: ExpressionOperatorType, rightvaluetype: ExpressionValueType) -> Tuple[ExpressionValueType, Optional[Exception]]: # sourcery skip if rightvaluetype in [ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN, ExpressionValueType.INT32, ExpressionValueType.INT64, ExpressionValueType.DECIMAL, ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE]: return ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.STRING and operationtype == ExpressionOperatorType.ADD: return ExpressionValueType.STRING, None return ExpressionValueType.UNDEFINED, EvaluateError(f"cannot perform \"{normalize_enumname(operationtype)}\" operation on \"Double\" and \"{normalize_enumname(rightvaluetype)}\"")
# sourcery skip
[docs] def derive_integer_operationvaluetype(operationtype: ExpressionOperatorType, leftvaluetype: ExpressionValueType, rightvaluetype: ExpressionValueType) -> Tuple[ExpressionValueType, Optional[Exception]]: if leftvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN: return derive_integer_operationvaluetype_fromboolean(operationtype, rightvaluetype) if leftvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.INT32: return derive_integer_operationvaluetype_fromint32(operationtype, rightvaluetype) if leftvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.INT64: return derive_integer_operationvaluetype_fromint64(operationtype, rightvaluetype) return ExpressionValueType.UNDEFINED, EvaluateError(f"cannot perform \"{normalize_enumname(operationtype)}\" operation on \"{normalize_enumname(leftvaluetype)}\" and \"{normalize_enumname(rightvaluetype)}\"")
[docs] def derive_integer_operationvaluetype_fromboolean(operationtype: ExpressionOperatorType, rightvaluetype: ExpressionValueType) -> Tuple[ExpressionValueType, Optional[Exception]]: # sourcery skip if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN: return ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.INT32: return ExpressionValueType.INT32, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.INT64: return ExpressionValueType.INT64, None return ExpressionValueType.UNDEFINED, EvaluateError(f"cannot perform \"{normalize_enumname(operationtype)}\" operation on \"Boolean\" and \"{normalize_enumname(rightvaluetype)}\"")
[docs] def derive_integer_operationvaluetype_fromint32(operationtype: ExpressionOperatorType, rightvaluetype: ExpressionValueType) -> Tuple[ExpressionValueType, Optional[Exception]]: # sourcery skip if rightvaluetype in [ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN, ExpressionValueType.INT32]: return ExpressionValueType.INT32, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.INT64: return ExpressionValueType.INT64, None return ExpressionValueType.UNDEFINED, EvaluateError(f"cannot perform \"{normalize_enumname(operationtype)}\" operation on \"Int32\" and \"{normalize_enumname(rightvaluetype)}\"")
[docs] def derive_integer_operationvaluetype_fromint64(operationtype: ExpressionOperatorType, rightvaluetype: ExpressionValueType) -> Tuple[ExpressionValueType, Optional[Exception]]: # sourcery skip if rightvaluetype in [ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN, ExpressionValueType.INT32, ExpressionValueType.INT64]: return ExpressionValueType.INT64, None return ExpressionValueType.UNDEFINED, EvaluateError(f"cannot perform \"{normalize_enumname(operationtype)}\" operation on \"Int64\" and \"{normalize_enumname(rightvaluetype)}\"")
# sourcery skip
[docs] def derive_comparison_operationvaluetype(operationtype: ExpressionOperatorType, leftvaluetype: ExpressionValueType, rightvaluetype: ExpressionValueType) -> Tuple[ExpressionValueType, Optional[Exception]]: if leftvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN: return derive_comparison_operationvaluetype_fromboolean(operationtype, rightvaluetype) if leftvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.INT32: return derive_comparison_operationvaluetype_fromint32(operationtype, rightvaluetype) if leftvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.INT64: return derive_comparison_operationvaluetype_fromint64(operationtype, rightvaluetype) if leftvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.DECIMAL: return derive_comparison_operationvaluetype_fromdecimal(operationtype, rightvaluetype) if leftvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE: return derive_comparison_operationvaluetype_fromdouble(operationtype, rightvaluetype) if leftvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.STRING: return leftvaluetype, None if leftvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.GUID: return derive_comparison_operationvaluetype_fromguid(operationtype, rightvaluetype) return derive_comparison_operationvaluetype_fromdatetime(operationtype, rightvaluetype)
[docs] def derive_comparison_operationvaluetype_fromboolean(operationtype: ExpressionOperatorType, rightvaluetype: ExpressionValueType) -> Tuple[ExpressionValueType, Optional[Exception]]: # sourcery skip if rightvaluetype in [ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN, ExpressionValueType.STRING]: return ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.INT32: return ExpressionValueType.INT32, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.INT64: return ExpressionValueType.INT64, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.DECIMAL: return ExpressionValueType.DECIMAL, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE: return ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE, None return ExpressionValueType.UNDEFINED, EvaluateError(f"cannot perform \"{normalize_enumname(operationtype)}\" operation on \"Boolean\" and \"{normalize_enumname(rightvaluetype)}\"")
[docs] def derive_comparison_operationvaluetype_fromint32(operationtype: ExpressionOperatorType, rightvaluetype: ExpressionValueType) -> Tuple[ExpressionValueType, Optional[Exception]]: # sourcery skip if rightvaluetype in [ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN, ExpressionValueType.INT32]: return ExpressionValueType.INT32, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.INT64: return ExpressionValueType.INT64, None if rightvaluetype in [ExpressionValueType.STRING, ExpressionValueType.DECIMAL]: return ExpressionValueType.DECIMAL, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE: return ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE, None return ExpressionValueType.UNDEFINED, EvaluateError(f"cannot perform \"{normalize_enumname(operationtype)}\" operation on \"Int32\" and \"{normalize_enumname(rightvaluetype)}\"")
[docs] def derive_comparison_operationvaluetype_fromint64(operationtype: ExpressionOperatorType, rightvaluetype: ExpressionValueType) -> Tuple[ExpressionValueType, Optional[Exception]]: # sourcery skip if rightvaluetype in [ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN, ExpressionValueType.INT32, ExpressionValueType.INT64]: return ExpressionValueType.INT64, None if rightvaluetype in [ExpressionValueType.STRING, ExpressionValueType.DECIMAL]: return ExpressionValueType.DECIMAL, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE: return ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE, None return ExpressionValueType.UNDEFINED, EvaluateError(f"cannot perform \"{normalize_enumname(operationtype)}\" operation on \"Int64\" and \"{normalize_enumname(rightvaluetype)}\"")
[docs] def derive_comparison_operationvaluetype_fromdecimal(operationtype: ExpressionOperatorType, rightvaluetype: ExpressionValueType) -> Tuple[ExpressionValueType, Optional[Exception]]: # sourcery skip if rightvaluetype in [ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN, ExpressionValueType.INT32, ExpressionValueType.INT64, ExpressionValueType.DECIMAL, ExpressionValueType.STRING]: return ExpressionValueType.DECIMAL, None if rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE: return ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE, None return ExpressionValueType.UNDEFINED, EvaluateError(f"cannot perform \"{normalize_enumname(operationtype)}\" operation on \"Decimal\" and \"{normalize_enumname(rightvaluetype)}\"")
[docs] def derive_comparison_operationvaluetype_fromdouble(operationtype: ExpressionOperatorType, rightvaluetype: ExpressionValueType) -> Tuple[ExpressionValueType, Optional[Exception]]: # sourcery skip if rightvaluetype in [ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN, ExpressionValueType.INT32, ExpressionValueType.INT64, ExpressionValueType.DECIMAL, ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE, ExpressionValueType.STRING]: return ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE, None return ExpressionValueType.UNDEFINED, EvaluateError(f"cannot perform \"{normalize_enumname(operationtype)}\" operation on \"Double\" and \"{normalize_enumname(rightvaluetype)}\"")
[docs] def derive_comparison_operationvaluetype_fromguid(operationtype: ExpressionOperatorType, rightvaluetype: ExpressionValueType) -> Tuple[ExpressionValueType, Optional[Exception]]: # sourcery skip if rightvaluetype in [ExpressionValueType.GUID, ExpressionValueType.STRING]: return ExpressionValueType.GUID, None return ExpressionValueType.UNDEFINED, EvaluateError(f"cannot perform \"{normalize_enumname(operationtype)}\" operation on \"Guid\" and \"{normalize_enumname(rightvaluetype)}\"")
[docs] def derive_comparison_operationvaluetype_fromdatetime(operationtype: ExpressionOperatorType, rightvaluetype: ExpressionValueType) -> Tuple[ExpressionValueType, Optional[Exception]]: # sourcery skip if rightvaluetype in [ExpressionValueType.DATETIME, ExpressionValueType.STRING]: return ExpressionValueType.DATETIME, None return ExpressionValueType.UNDEFINED, EvaluateError(f"cannot perform \"{normalize_enumname(operationtype)}\" operation on \"DateTime\" and \"{normalize_enumname(rightvaluetype)}\"")
# sourcery skip
[docs] def derive_boolean_operationvaluetype(operationtype: ExpressionOperatorType, leftvaluetype: ExpressionValueType, rightvaluetype: ExpressionValueType) -> Tuple[ExpressionValueType, Optional[Exception]]: if leftvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN and rightvaluetype == ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN: return ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN, None return ExpressionValueType.UNDEFINED, EvaluateError(f"cannot perform \"{normalize_enumname(operationtype)}\" operation on \"{normalize_enumname(leftvaluetype)}\" and \"{normalize_enumname(rightvaluetype)}\"")