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#  Code Modification History:
#  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  08/26/2022 - J. Ritchie Carroll
#       Generated original version of source code.
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from __future__ import annotations
from gsf import Convert, Empty, normalize_enumname
from .datatype import DataType, default_datatype
from .datacolumn import DataColumn
from .constants import ExpressionValueType
from .errors import EvaluateError
from decimal import Decimal
from datetime import datetime
from uuid import UUID
from typing import Callable, Iterator, Optional, Tuple, Union, TYPE_CHECKING
import numpy as np

    from .dataset import xsdformat
    from .datatable import DataTable
    from .expressiontree import ExpressionTree

[docs] class DataRow: """ Represents a row, i.e., a record, in a `DataTable` defining a set of values for each defined `DataColumn` field in the `DataTable` columns collection. """ def __init__(self, parent: DataTable, ): """ Creates a new `DataRow`. """ self._parent = parent self._values = np.empty(parent.columncount, object) def __getitem__(self, key: Union[int, str]) -> object: if isinstance(key, str): value, err = self.value_byname(key) else: value, err = self.value(key) if err is not None: raise err return value def __setitem__(self, key: Union[int, str], value: object): if isinstance(key, str): err = self.set_value_byname(key, value) else: err = self.set_value(key, value) if err is not None: raise err def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._values) def __contains__(self, item: object) -> bool: return item in self._values def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[object]: return iter(self._values) @property def parent(self) -> DataTable: """ Gets the parent `DataTable` of the `DataRow`. """ return self._parent def _get_columnindex(self, columnname: str) -> Tuple[int, Optional[Exception]]: if (column := self._parent.column_byname(columnname)) is None: return -1, ValueError(f"column name \"{columnname}\" was not found in table \"{}\"") return column.index, None def _validate_columntype(self, columnindex: int, targettype: Union[int, DataType], read: bool) -> Tuple[Optional[DataColumn], Optional[Exception]]: if (column := self._parent.column(columnindex)) is None: return None, IndexError(f"column index {columnindex} is out of range for table \"{}\"") if targettype > -1 and column.datatype != targettype: if read: action = "read" preposition = "from" else: action = "assign" preposition = "to" return None, ValueError(f"cannot {action} \"{normalize_enumname(DataType(targettype))}\" value {preposition} DataColumn \"{}\" for table \"{}\", column data type is \"{normalize_enumname(column.datatype)}\"") if not read and column.computed: return None, ValueError(f"cannot assign value to DataColumn \"{}\" for table \"{}\", column is computed with an expression") return column, None def _expressiontree(self, column: DataColumn) -> Tuple[Optional[ExpressionTree], Optional[Exception]]: columnindex = column.index value = self._values[columnindex] if value is None: from .filterexpressionparser import FilterExpressionParser expressiontree, err = FilterExpressionParser.generate_expressiontree(column.parent, column.expression, True) if err is not None: return None, EvaluateError(f"failed to parse expression \"{column.expression}\" defined for computed DataColumn \"{}\" for table \"{}\": {err}") self._values[columnindex] = expressiontree return expressiontree, None return value, None def _get_computedvalue(self, column: DataColumn) -> Tuple[Optional[object], Optional[Exception]]: expressiontree, err = self._expressiontree(column) if err is not None: return None, err try: sourcevalue, err = expressiontree.evaluate(self) except Exception as ex: err = ex if err is not None: return None, EvaluateError(f"failed to evaluate expression \"{column.expression}\" defined for computed DataColumn \"{}\" for table \"{}\": {err}") sourcetype = sourcevalue.valuetype targettype = column.datatype if sourcetype == ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN: return self._convert_frombool(sourcevalue._booleanvalue(), targettype) if sourcetype == ExpressionValueType.INT32: return self._convert_fromint32(sourcevalue._int32value(), targettype) if sourcetype == ExpressionValueType.INT64: return self._convert_fromint64(sourcevalue._int64value(), targettype) if sourcetype == ExpressionValueType.DECIMAL: return self._convert_fromdecimal(sourcevalue._decimalvalue(), targettype) if sourcetype == ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE: return self._convert_fromdouble(sourcevalue._doublevalue(), targettype) if sourcetype == ExpressionValueType.STRING: return self._convert_fromstring(sourcevalue._stringvalue(), targettype) if sourcetype == ExpressionValueType.GUID: return self._convert_fromguid(sourcevalue._guidvalue(), targettype) if sourcetype == ExpressionValueType.DATETIME: return self._convert_fromdatetime(sourcevalue._datetimevalue(), targettype) return None, TypeError("unexpected expression value type encountered") def _convert_fromstring(self, value: str, targettype: DataType) -> Tuple[Optional[object], Optional[Exception]]: try: if targettype == DataType.STRING: return value, None if targettype == DataType.BOOLEAN: return bool(value), None if targettype == DataType.DATETIME: return Convert.from_str(value, datetime) if targettype == DataType.GUID: return UUID(value), None if targettype == DataType.SINGLE: return Convert.from_str(value, np.float32), None if targettype == DataType.DOUBLE: return Convert.from_str(value, np.float64), None if targettype == DataType.DECIMAL: return Decimal(value), None if targettype == DataType.INT8: return Convert.from_str(value, np.int8), None if targettype == DataType.INT16: return Convert.from_str(value, np.int16), None if targettype == DataType.INT32: return Convert.from_str(value, np.int32), None if targettype == DataType.INT64: return Convert.from_str(value, np.int64), None if targettype == DataType.UINT8: return Convert.from_str(value, np.uint8), None if targettype == DataType.UINT16: return Convert.from_str(value, np.uint16), None if targettype == DataType.UINT32: return Convert.from_str(value, np.uint32), None if targettype == DataType.UINT64: return Convert.from_str(value, np.uint64), None return None, TypeError("unexpected column data type encountered") except Exception as ex: return None, ValueError(f"failed to convert \"String\" expression value to \"{normalize_enumname(targettype)}\" column: {ex}") def _convert_fromguid(self, value: UUID, targettype: DataType) -> Tuple[Optional[object], Optional[Exception]]: try: if targettype == DataType.STRING: return str(value), None if targettype == DataType.GUID: return value, None if targettype in [DataType.BOOLEAN, DataType.DATETIME, DataType.SINGLE, DataType.DOUBLE, DataType.DECIMAL, DataType.INT8, DataType.INT16, DataType.INT32, DataType.INT64, DataType.UINT8, DataType.UINT16, DataType.UINT32, DataType.UINT64]: return None, ValueError(f'cannot convert \"Guid\" expression value to \"{normalize_enumname(targettype)}\" column') return None, TypeError("unexpected column data type encountered") except Exception as ex: return None, ValueError(f'failed to convert \"Guid\" expression value to \"{normalize_enumname(targettype)}\" column: {ex}') def _convert_fromvalue(self, value: object, sourcetype: DataType, targettype: DataType) -> Tuple[Optional[object], Optional[Exception]]: try: if targettype == DataType.STRING: return str(value), None if targettype == DataType.BOOLEAN: return value != 0, None if targettype == DataType.SINGLE: return np.float32(value), None if targettype == DataType.DOUBLE: return np.float64(value), None if targettype == DataType.DECIMAL: return Decimal(value), None if targettype == DataType.INT8: return np.int8(value), None if targettype == DataType.INT16: return np.int16(value), None if targettype == DataType.INT32: return np.int32(value), None if targettype == DataType.INT64: return np.int64(value), None if targettype == DataType.UINT8: return np.uint8(value), None if targettype == DataType.UINT16: return np.uint16(value), None if targettype == DataType.UINT32: return np.uint32(value), None if targettype == DataType.UINT64: return np.uint64(value), None if targettype in [DataType.DATETIME, DataType.GUID]: return None, ValueError(f"cannot convert \"{normalize_enumname(sourcetype)}\" expression value to \"{normalize_enumname(targettype)}\" column") return None, TypeError("unexpected column data type encountered") except Exception as ex: return None, ValueError(f"failed to convert \"{normalize_enumname(sourcetype)}\" expression value to \"{normalize_enumname(targettype)}\" column: {ex}") def _convert_frombool(self, value: bool, targettype: DataType) -> Tuple[Optional[object], Optional[Exception]]: return self._convert_fromvalue(1 if value else 0, DataType.BOOLEAN, targettype) def _convert_fromint32(self, value: np.int32, targettype: DataType) -> Tuple[Optional[object], Optional[Exception]]: return self._convert_fromvalue(value.item(), DataType.INT32, targettype) def _convert_fromint64(self, value: np.int64, targettype: DataType) -> Tuple[Optional[object], Optional[Exception]]: return self._convert_fromvalue(value.item(), DataType.INT64, targettype) def _convert_fromdecimal(self, value: Decimal, targettype: DataType) -> Tuple[Optional[object], Optional[Exception]]: return self._convert_fromvalue(value, DataType.DECIMAL, targettype) def _convert_fromdouble(self, value: np.float64, targettype: DataType) -> Tuple[Optional[object], Optional[Exception]]: return self._convert_fromvalue(value.item(), DataType.DOUBLE, targettype) def _convert_fromdatetime(self, value: datetime, targettype: DataType) -> Tuple[Optional[object], Optional[Exception]]: try: if targettype == DataType.STRING: return xsdformat(value), None if targettype == DataType.DATETIME: return value, None except Exception as ex: return None, ValueError(f"failed to convert \"DateTime\" expression value to \"{normalize_enumname(targettype)}\" column: {ex}") return self._convert_fromvalue(int(value.timestamp()), DataType.DATETIME, targettype)
[docs] def value(self, columnindex: int) -> Tuple[Optional[object], Optional[Exception]]: """ Reads the record value at the specified column index. """ column, err = self._validate_columntype(columnindex, -1, True) if err is not None: return None, err if column.computed: return self._get_computedvalue(column) return self._values[columnindex], None
[docs] def value_byname(self, columnname: str) -> Tuple[Optional[object], Optional[Exception]]: """ Reads the record value for the specified column name. """ index, err = self._get_columnindex(columnname) return (None, err) if err is not None else (self._values[index], None)
[docs] def set_value(self, columnindex: int, value: object) -> Optional[Exception]: # sourcery skip: assign-if-exp """ Assigns the record value at the specified column index. """ _, err = self._validate_columntype(columnindex, -1, False) if err is not None: return err self._values[columnindex] = value return None
[docs] def set_value_byname(self, columnname: str, value: object) -> Optional[Exception]: """ Assigns the record value for the specified column name. """ index, err = self._get_columnindex(columnname) return err if err is not None else self.set_value(index, value)
[docs] def value_as_string(self, columnindex: int) -> str: """ Reads the record value at the specified columnIndex converted to a string. For column index out of range or any other errors, an empty string will be returned. """ return self.columnvalue_as_string(self._parent.column(columnindex))
[docs] def value_as_string_byname(self, columnname: str) -> str: """ Reads the record value for the specified columnName converted to a string. For column name not found or any other errors, an empty string will be returned. """ return self.columnvalue_as_string(self._parent.column_byname(columnname))
[docs] def columnvalue_as_string(self, column: Optional[DataColumn]) -> str: """ Reads the record value for the specified data column converted to a string. For any errors, an empty string will be returned. """ if column is None: return Empty.STRING index = column.index datatype = column.datatype if datatype == DataType.STRING: return self._string_from_typevalue(index, self.stringvalue) if datatype == DataType.BOOLEAN: return self._string_from_typevalue(index, self.booleanvalue) if datatype == DataType.DATETIME: return self._string_from_typevalue(index, self.datetimevalue, xsdformat) if datatype == DataType.SINGLE: return self._string_from_typevalue(index, self.singlevalue) if datatype == DataType.DOUBLE: return self._string_from_typevalue(index, self.doublevalue) if datatype == DataType.DECIMAL: return self._string_from_typevalue(index, self.decimalvalue) if datatype == DataType.GUID: return self._string_from_typevalue(index, self.guidvalue) if datatype == DataType.INT8: return self._string_from_typevalue(index, self.int8value) if datatype == DataType.INT16: return self._string_from_typevalue(index, self.int16value) if datatype == DataType.INT32: return self._string_from_typevalue(index, self.int32value) if datatype == DataType.INT64: return self._string_from_typevalue(index, self.int64value) if datatype == DataType.UINT8: return self._string_from_typevalue(index, self.uint8value) if datatype == DataType.UINT16: return self._string_from_typevalue(index, self.uint16value) if datatype == DataType.UINT32: return self._string_from_typevalue(index, self.uint32value) if datatype == DataType.UINT64: return self._string_from_typevalue(index, self.uint64value) return Empty.STRING
def _checkstate(self, null: bool, err: Optional[Exception]) -> Tuple[bool, str]: if err is not None: return True, Empty.STRING return (True, "<NULL>") if null else (False, Empty.STRING) def _string_from_typevalue(self, index: int, getvalue: Callable[[int], Tuple[object, bool, Optional[Exception]]], strconv: Callable[[object], str] = str) -> str: value, null, err = getvalue(index) invalid, result = self._checkstate(null, err) return result if invalid else strconv(value) def _typevalue(self, columnindex: int, targettype: DataType) -> Tuple[object, bool, Optional[Exception]]: column, err = self._validate_columntype(columnindex, targettype, True) default = default_datatype(targettype) if err is not None: return default, False, err if column.computed: value, err = self._get_computedvalue(column) if err is not None: return default, False, err return (default, True, None) if value is None else (value, False, None) value = self._values[columnindex] return (default, True, None) if value is None else (value, False, None) def _typevalue_byname(self, columnname: str, targettype: DataType) -> Tuple[object, bool, Optional[Exception]]: index, err = self._get_columnindex(columnname) if err is not None: return default_datatype(targettype), False, err return self._typevalue(index, targettype)
[docs] def stringvalue(self, columnindex: int) -> Tuple[str, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the string-based record value at the specified column index. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.STRING`. """ return self._typevalue(columnindex, DataType.STRING)
[docs] def stringvalue_byname(self, columnname: str) -> Tuple[str, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the string-based record value for the specified column name. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.STRING`. """ return self._typevalue_byname(columnname, DataType.STRING)
[docs] def booleanvalue(self, columnindex: int) -> Tuple[bool, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the boolean-based record value at the specified column index. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.BOOLEAN`. """ return self._typevalue(columnindex, DataType.BOOLEAN)
[docs] def booleanvalue_byname(self, columnname: str) -> Tuple[bool, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the boolean-based record value for the specified column name. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.BOOLEAN`. """ return self._typevalue_byname(columnname, DataType.BOOLEAN)
[docs] def datetimevalue(self, columnindex: int) -> Tuple[datetime, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the datetime-based record value at the specified column index. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.DATETIME`. """ return self._typevalue(columnindex, DataType.DATETIME)
[docs] def datetimevalue_byname(self, columnname: str) -> Tuple[datetime, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the datetime-based record value for the specified column name. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.DATETIME`. """ return self._typevalue_byname(columnname, DataType.DATETIME)
[docs] def singlevalue(self, columnindex: int) -> Tuple[np.float32, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the single-based record value at the specified column index. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.SINGLE`. """ return self._typevalue(columnindex, DataType.SINGLE)
[docs] def singlevalue_byname(self, columnname: str) -> Tuple[np.float32, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the single-based record value for the specified column name. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.SINGLE`. """ return self._typevalue_byname(columnname, DataType.SINGLE)
[docs] def doublevalue(self, columnindex: int) -> Tuple[np.float64, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the double-based record value at the specified column index. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.DOUBLE`. """ return self._typevalue(columnindex, DataType.DOUBLE)
[docs] def doublevalue_byname(self, columnname: str) -> Tuple[np.float64, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the double-based record value for the specified column name. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.DOUBLE`. """ return self._typevalue_byname(columnname, DataType.DOUBLE)
[docs] def decimalvalue(self, columnindex: int) -> Tuple[Decimal, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the decimal-based record value at the specified column index. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.DECIMAL`. """ return self._typevalue(columnindex, DataType.DECIMAL)
[docs] def decimalvalue_byname(self, columnname: str) -> Tuple[Decimal, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the decimal-based record value for the specified column name. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.DECIMAL`. """ return self._typevalue_byname(columnname, DataType.DECIMAL)
[docs] def guidvalue(self, columnindex: int) -> Tuple[UUID, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the guid-based record value at the specified column index. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.GUID`. """ return self._typevalue(columnindex, DataType.GUID)
[docs] def guidvalue_byname(self, columnname: str) -> Tuple[UUID, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the guid-based record value for the specified column name. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.GUID`. """ return self._typevalue_byname(columnname, DataType.GUID)
[docs] def int8value(self, columnindex: int) -> Tuple[np.int8, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the int8-based record value at the specified column index. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.INT8`. """ return self._typevalue(columnindex, DataType.INT8)
[docs] def int8value_byname(self, columnname: str) -> Tuple[np.int8, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the int8-based record value for the specified column name. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.INT8`. """ return self._typevalue_byname(columnname, DataType.INT8)
[docs] def int16value(self, columnindex: int) -> Tuple[np.int16, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the int16-based record value at the specified column index. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.INT16`. """ return self._typevalue(columnindex, DataType.INT16)
[docs] def int16value_byname(self, columnname: str) -> Tuple[np.int16, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the int16-based record value for the specified column name. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.INT16`. """ return self._typevalue_byname(columnname, DataType.INT16)
[docs] def int32value(self, columnindex: int) -> Tuple[np.int32, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the int32-based record value at the specified column index. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.INT32`. """ return self._typevalue(columnindex, DataType.INT32)
[docs] def int32value_byname(self, columnname: str) -> Tuple[np.int32, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the int32-based record value for the specified column name. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.INT32`. """ return self._typevalue_byname(columnname, DataType.INT32)
[docs] def int64value(self, columnindex: int) -> Tuple[np.int64, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the int64-based record value at the specified column index. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.INT64`. """ return self._typevalue(columnindex, DataType.INT64)
[docs] def int64value_byname(self, columnname: str) -> Tuple[np.int64, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the int64-based record value for the specified column name. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.INT64`. """ return self._typevalue_byname(columnname, DataType.INT64)
[docs] def uint8value(self, columnindex: int) -> Tuple[np.uint8, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the uint8-based record value at the specified column index. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.UINT8`. """ return self._typevalue(columnindex, DataType.UINT8)
[docs] def uint8value_byname(self, columnname: str) -> Tuple[np.uint8, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the uint8-based record value for the specified column name. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.UINT8`. """ return self._typevalue_byname(columnname, DataType.UINT8)
[docs] def uint16value(self, columnindex: int) -> Tuple[np.uint16, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the uint16-based record value at the specified column index. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.UINT16`. """ return self._typevalue(columnindex, DataType.UINT16)
[docs] def uint16value_byname(self, columnname: str) -> Tuple[np.uint16, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the uint16-based record value for the specified column name. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.UINT16`. """ return self._typevalue_byname(columnname, DataType.UINT16)
[docs] def uint32value(self, columnindex: int) -> Tuple[np.uint32, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the uint32-based record value at the specified column index. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.UINT32`. """ return self._typevalue(columnindex, DataType.UINT32)
[docs] def uint32value_byname(self, columnname: str) -> Tuple[np.uint32, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the uint32-based record value for the specified column name. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.UINT32`. """ return self._typevalue_byname(columnname, DataType.UINT32)
[docs] def uint64value(self, columnindex: int) -> Tuple[np.uint64, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the uint64-based record value at the specified column index. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.UINT64`. """ return self._typevalue(columnindex, DataType.UINT64)
[docs] def uint64value_byname(self, columnname: str) -> Tuple[np.uint64, bool, Optional[Exception]]: """ Gets the uint64-based record value for the specified column name. Second parameter in tuple return value indicates if original value was None. An error will be returned if column type is not `DataType.UINT64`. """ return self._typevalue_byname(columnname, DataType.UINT64)
def __repr__(self): image = ["["] for i in range(self._parent.columncount): if i > 0: image.append(", ") strcol = self._parent.column(i).datatype == DataType.STRING if strcol: image.append("\"") image.append(self.value_as_string(i)) if strcol: image.append("\"") image.append("]") return "".join(image)
[docs] @staticmethod def compare_datarowcolumns(leftrow: DataRow, rightrow: DataRow, columnindex: int, exactmatch: bool) -> Tuple[int, Optional[Exception]]: # sourcery skip: low-code-quality """ Returns an integer comparing two `DataRow` column values for the specified column index. The result will be 0 if `leftrow`==`rightrow`, -1 if `leftrow` < `rightrow`, and +1 if `leftrow` > `rightrow`. An error will br returned if column index is out of range of either row, or row types do not match. """ leftcolumn = leftrow.parent.column(columnindex) rightcolumn = rightrow.parent.column(columnindex) if leftcolumn is None or rightcolumn is None: return 0, IndexError("cannot compare, column index out of range") lefttype = leftcolumn.datatype righttype = rightcolumn.datatype if lefttype != righttype: return 0, ValueError("cannot compare, types do not match") def nullcompare(lefthasvalue: bool, righthasvalue: bool) -> int: if not lefthasvalue and not righthasvalue: return 0, None return 1 if lefthasvalue else -1, None def typecompare( leftrow_getvalue: Callable[[int], Tuple[object, bool, Optional[Exception]]], rightrow_getvalue: Callable[[int], Tuple[object, bool, Optional[Exception]]]) -> \ Tuple[int, Optional[Exception]]: leftvalue, leftnull, lefterr = leftrow_getvalue(columnindex) rightvalue, rightnull, righterr = rightrow_getvalue(columnindex) lefthasvalue = not leftnull and lefterr is None righthasvalue = not rightnull and righterr is None if lefthasvalue and righthasvalue: if leftvalue < rightvalue: return -1, None return (1, None) if leftvalue > rightvalue else (0, None) return nullcompare(lefthasvalue, righthasvalue) if lefttype == DataType.STRING: if exactmatch: def upperstringvalue(index: int, getvalue: Callable[[int], Tuple[object, bool, Optional[Exception]]]) -> Tuple[str, bool, Optional[Exception]]: value, null, err = getvalue(index) if not null and err is None: return value.upper(), False, None return value, null, err def leftrowvalue(index): return upperstringvalue(index, leftrow.stringvalue) def rightrowvalue(index): return upperstringvalue(index, rightrow.stringvalue) else: leftrowvalue = leftrow.stringvalue rightrowvalue = rightrow.stringvalue return typecompare(leftrowvalue, rightrowvalue) if lefttype == DataType.BOOLEAN: leftvalue, leftnull, lefterr = leftrow.booleanvalue(columnindex) rightvalue, rightnull, righterr = rightrow.booleanvalue(columnindex) lefthasvalue = not leftnull and lefterr is None righthasvalue = not rightnull and righterr is None if lefthasvalue and righthasvalue: if leftvalue and not rightvalue: return -1, None return (1, None) if not leftvalue and rightvalue else (0, None) return nullcompare(lefthasvalue, righthasvalue) if lefttype == DataType.DATETIME: return typecompare(leftrow.datetimevalue, rightrow.datetimevalue) if lefttype == DataType.SINGLE: return typecompare(leftrow.singlevalue, rightrow.singlevalue) if lefttype == DataType.DOUBLE: return typecompare(leftrow.doublevalue, rightrow.doublevalue) if lefttype == DataType.DECIMAL: return typecompare(leftrow.decimalvalue, rightrow.decimalvalue) if lefttype == DataType.GUID: return typecompare(leftrow.guidvalue, rightrow.guidvalue) if lefttype == DataType.INT8: return typecompare(leftrow.int8value, rightrow.int8value) if lefttype == DataType.INT16: return typecompare(leftrow.int16value, rightrow.int16value) if lefttype == DataType.INT32: return typecompare(leftrow.int32value, rightrow.int32value) if lefttype == DataType.INT64: return typecompare(leftrow.int64value, rightrow.int64value) if lefttype == DataType.UINT8: return typecompare(leftrow.uint8value, rightrow.uint8value) if lefttype == DataType.UINT16: return typecompare(leftrow.uint16value, rightrow.uint16value) if lefttype == DataType.UINT32: return typecompare(leftrow.uint32value, rightrow.uint32value) if lefttype == DataType.UINT64: return typecompare(leftrow.uint64value, rightrow.uint64value) return 0, TypeError("unexpected column data type encountered")