Source code for

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#  Code Modification History:
#  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  09/03/2022 - J. Ritchie Carroll
#       Generated original version of source code.
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from gsf import override, normalize_enumname
from .expression import Expression
from .valueexpression import ValueExpression
from .constants import ExpressionType, ExpressionUnaryType, ExpressionValueType
from .errors import EvaluateError
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Optional, Tuple
import numpy as np

[docs] class UnaryExpression(Expression): """ Represents a unary expression. """ def __init__(self, unarytype: ExpressionUnaryType, value: Expression): self._unarytype = unarytype self._value = value @override @property def expressiontype(self) -> ExpressionType: """ Gets the type of this `UnaryExpression`. """ return ExpressionType.UNARY @property def unarytype(self) -> ExpressionUnaryType: """ Gets the type of unary operation of this `UnaryExpression`. """ return self._unarytype @property def value(self) -> Expression: """ Gets the value of this `UnaryExpression`. """ return self._value
[docs] def applyto_bool(self, value: bool) -> Tuple[Optional[ValueExpression], Optional[Exception]]: """ Applies the `UnaryExpression` prefix to a boolean and returns `ValueExpression` of result, if possible. """ if self._unarytype == ExpressionUnaryType.NOT: return ValueExpression(ExpressionValueType.BOOLEAN, not value), None return None, EvaluateError(f"cannot apply unary type \"{normalize_enumname(self._unarytype)}\" to \"Boolean\" value")
[docs] def applyto_int32(self, value: np.int32) -> Tuple[Optional[ValueExpression], Optional[Exception]]: """ Applies the `UnaryExpression` prefix to a 32-bit integer value and returns `ValueExpression` of result. """ if self._unarytype == ExpressionUnaryType.PLUS: return ValueExpression(ExpressionValueType.INT32, +value), None if self._unarytype == ExpressionUnaryType.MINUS: return ValueExpression(ExpressionValueType.INT32, -value), None return ValueExpression(ExpressionValueType.INT32, ~value), None
[docs] def applyto_int64(self, value: np.int64) -> Tuple[Optional[ValueExpression], Optional[Exception]]: """ Applies the `UnaryExpression` prefix to a 64-bit integer value and returns `ValueExpression` of result. """ if self._unarytype == ExpressionUnaryType.PLUS: return ValueExpression(ExpressionValueType.INT64, +value), None if self._unarytype == ExpressionUnaryType.MINUS: return ValueExpression(ExpressionValueType.INT64, -value), None return ValueExpression(ExpressionValueType.INT64, ~value), None
[docs] def applyto_decimal(self, value: Decimal) -> Tuple[Optional[ValueExpression], Optional[Exception]]: """ Applies the `UnaryExpression` prefix to a `Decimal` value and returns `ValueExpression` of result, if possible. """ if self._unarytype == ExpressionUnaryType.PLUS: return ValueExpression(ExpressionValueType.DECIMAL, +value), None if self._unarytype == ExpressionUnaryType.MINUS: return ValueExpression(ExpressionValueType.DECIMAL, -value), None return None, EvaluateError(f"cannot apply unary type \"~\" to \"Decimal\" value")
[docs] def applyto_double(self, value: np.float64) -> Tuple[Optional[ValueExpression], Optional[Exception]]: """ Applies the `UnaryExpression` prefix to a `Double` value and returns `ValueExpression` of result, if possible. """ if self._unarytype == ExpressionUnaryType.PLUS: return ValueExpression(ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE, +value), None if self._unarytype == ExpressionUnaryType.MINUS: return ValueExpression(ExpressionValueType.DOUBLE, -value), None return None, EvaluateError(f"cannot apply unary type \"~\" to \"Double\" value")