Source code for sttp.metadata.cache
# ******************************************************************************************************
# metadata/ - Gbtc
# Copyright © 2021, Grid Protection Alliance. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed to the Grid Protection Alliance (GPA) under one or more contributor license agreements. See
# the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The GPA licenses this file to you under the MIT License (MIT), the "License"; you may not use this
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# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations.
# Code Modification History:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 02/07/2021 - J. Ritchie Carroll
# Generated original version of source code.
# ******************************************************************************************************
from gsf import Empty
from import DataSet
from import DataRow
from import default_datatype
from .record.measurement import MeasurementRecord, SignalType
from .record.device import DeviceRecord
from .record.phasor import PhasorRecord
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Optional
from uuid import UUID, uuid1
import numpy as np
class MetadataCache:
Represents a collection of parsed STTP metadata records.
def __init__(self, dataset: DataSet = ...):
self.signalid_measurement_map: Dict[UUID, MeasurementRecord] = {}
Defines map of unique measurement signal IDs to measurement records.
Measurement signal IDs (a UUID) are typically unique across disparate systems.
self.id_measurement_map: Dict[np.uint64, MeasurementRecord] = {}
Defines map of measurement key IDs to measurement records.
Measurement key IDs are typically unique for a given publisher.
self.pointtag_measurement_map: Dict[str, MeasurementRecord] = {}
Defines map of measurement point tags to measurement records.
Measurement point tags are typically unique for a given publisher.
self.signalref_measurement_map: Dict[str, MeasurementRecord] = {}
Defines map of measurement signal references to measurement records.
Measurement signal references are typically unique for a given publisher.
self.deviceacronym_device_map: Dict[str, DeviceRecord] = {}
Defines map of device acronym to device records.
Device acronyms are typically unique for a given publisher.
self.deviceid_device_map: Dict[UUID, DeviceRecord] = {}
Defines map of unique device IDs to device records.
Device IDs (a UUID) are typically unique across disparate systems.
self.measurement_records: List[MeasurementRecord] = []
Defines list of measurement records in the cache.
self.device_records: List[DeviceRecord] = []
Defines list of device records in the cache.
self.phasorRecords: List[PhasorRecord] = []
Defines list of phasor records in the cache.
if dataset is ...:
# Extract measurement records from MeasurementDetail table rows
def _extract_measurements(self, dataset: DataSet):
measurement_records: List[MeasurementRecord] = []
for measurement in dataset["MeasurementDetail"]:
get_rowvalue = lambda columnname, default = None: self._get_rowvalue(measurement, columnname, default)
(source, id) = self._parse_measurementkey(get_rowvalue("ID", Empty.STRING))
# `signalid`: Extract signal ID, the unique measurement guid
get_rowvalue("SignalID", uuid1()),
# 'adder': Extract the measurement adder
get_rowvalue("Adder", np.float64(0.0)),
# 'multiplier': Extract the measurement multiplier
get_rowvalue("Multiplier", np.float64(1.0)),
# `id`: STTP numeric point ID of measurement (from measurement key)
# `source`: Source instance name of measurement (from measurement key)
# `signaltypename`: Extract the measurement signal type name
get_rowvalue("SignalAcronym", "UNKN"),
# `signalreference`: Extract the measurement signal reference
# `pointtag`: Extract the measurement point tag
# `deviceacronym`: Extract the measurement's parent device acronym
# `description`: Extract the measurement description name
# `updatedon`: Extract the last update time for measurement metadata
for measurement in measurement_records:
self.id_measurement_map[] = measurement
for measurement in measurement_records:
self.signalid_measurement_map[measurement.signalid] = measurement
for measurement in measurement_records:
self.pointtag_measurement_map[measurement.pointtag] = measurement
for measurement in measurement_records:
self.signalref_measurement_map[measurement.signalreference] = measurement
self.measurement_records = measurement_records
# Extract device records from DeviceDetail table rows
def _extract_devices(self, dataset: DataSet):
device_records: List[DeviceRecord] = []
default_nodeid = uuid1()
for device in dataset["DeviceDetail"]:
get_rowvalue = lambda columnname, default = None: self._get_rowvalue(device, columnname, default)
# `nodeid`: Extract node ID guid for the device
get_rowvalue("NodeID", default_nodeid),
# `deviceid`: Extract device ID, the unique device guid
get_rowvalue("UniqueID", uuid1()),
# `acronym`: Alpha-numeric identifier of the device
# `name`: Free form name for the device
# `accessid`: Access ID for the device
# `parentacronym`: Alpha-numeric parent identifier of the device
# `protocolname`: Protocol name of the device
# `framespersecond`: Data rate for the device
get_rowvalue("FramesPerSecond", DeviceRecord.DEFAULT_FRAMESPERSECOND),
# `companyacronym`: Company acronym of the device
# `vendoracronym`: Vendor acronym of the device
# `vendordevicename`: Vendor device name of the device
# `longitude`: Longitude of the device
# `latitude`: Latitude of the device
# `updatedon`: Extract the last update time for device metadata
for device in device_records:
self.deviceacronym_device_map[device.acronym] = device
for device in device_records:
self.deviceid_device_map[device.deviceid] = device
self.device_records = device_records
# Associate measurements with parent devices
for measurement in self.measurement_records:
device = self.find_device_acronym(measurement.deviceacronym)
if device is not None:
measurement.device = device
# Extract phasor records from PhasorDetail table rows
def _extract_phasors(self, dataset: DataSet):
phasor_records: List[PhasorRecord] = []
for phasor in dataset["PhasorDetail"]:
get_rowvalue = lambda columnname, default = None: self._get_rowvalue(phasor, columnname, default)
# `id`: unique integer identifier for phasor
# `deviceacronym`: Alpha-numeric identifier of the associated device
# `label`: Free form label for the phasor
# `type`: Phasor type for the phasor
get_rowvalue("Type", PhasorRecord.DEFAULT_TYPE),
# `phase`: Phasor phase for the phasor
get_rowvalue("Phase", PhasorRecord.DEFAULT_PHASE),
# `sourceindex`: Source index for the phasor
# `basekv`: BaseKV level for the phasor
# `updatedon`: Extract the last update time for phasor metadata
# Associate phasors with parent device and associated angle/magnitude measurements
for phasor in phasor_records:
device = self.find_device_acronym(phasor.deviceacronym)
if device is not None:
phasor.device = device
angle = self.find_measurement_signalreference(f"{device.acronym}-PA{phasor.sourceindex}")
magnitude = self.find_measurement_signalreference(f"{device.acronym}-PM{phasor.sourceindex}")
if angle is not None and magnitude is not None:
angle.phasor = phasor
phasor.measurements.append(angle) # Must be index 0
magnitude.phasor = phasor
phasor.measurements.append(magnitude) # Must be index 1
self.phasorRecords = phasor_records
def _get_rowvalue(self, row: DataRow, columnname: str, default: Optional[object] = None):
value, err = row.value_byname(columnname)
if value is None or err is not None:
if default is not None:
return default
if (column := row.parent.column_byname(columnname)) is None:
return default
return default_datatype(column.datatype)
return value
def _parse_measurementkey(self, value: str) -> Tuple[str, np.uint64]:
defaultvalue = "_", np.uint64(0)
parts = value.split(":")
return defaultvalue if len(parts) != 2 else (parts[0], np.uint64(parts[1]))
except Exception:
return defaultvalue
def add_measurement(self, measurement: MeasurementRecord):
self.signalid_measurement_map[measurement.signalid] = measurement
if > 0:
self.id_measurement_map[] = measurement
if len(measurement.pointtag) > 0:
self.pointtag_measurement_map[measurement.pointtag] = measurement
if len(measurement.signalreference) > 0:
self.signalref_measurement_map[measurement.signalreference] = measurement
def find_measurement_signalid(self, signalid: UUID) -> Optional[MeasurementRecord]:
return self.signalid_measurement_map.get(signalid)
def find_measurement_id(self, id: np.uint64) -> Optional[MeasurementRecord]:
return self.id_measurement_map.get(id)
def find_measurement_pointtag(self, pointtag: str) -> Optional[MeasurementRecord]:
return self.pointtag_measurement_map.get(pointtag)
def find_measurement_signalreference(self, signalreference: str) -> Optional[MeasurementRecord]:
return self.signalref_measurement_map.get(signalreference)
def find_measurements_signaltype(self, signaltype: SignalType, instancename: Optional[str] = None) -> List[MeasurementRecord]:
return self.find_measurements_signaltypename(, instancename)
def find_measurements_signaltypename(self, signaltypename: str, instancename: Optional[str] = None) -> List[MeasurementRecord]:
signaltypename = signaltypename.upper()
return [ record for record in self.measurement_records if
record.signaltypename.upper() == signaltypename and
(instancename is None or record.instancename == instancename) ]
def find_measurements(self, searchval: str, instancename: Optional[str] = None) -> List[MeasurementRecord]:
records = set()
if searchval in self.pointtag_measurement_map:
record = self.pointtag_measurement_map[searchval]
if instancename is None or record.instancename == instancename:
if (record := self.signalref_measurement_map.get(searchval)) is not None:
if instancename is None or record.instancename == instancename:
for record in self.measurement_records:
if (searchval in record.description or searchval in record.deviceacronym) and \
(instancename is None or record.instancename == instancename):
return list(records)
def find_device_acronym(self, deviceacronym: str) -> Optional[DeviceRecord]:
return self.deviceacronym_device_map.get(deviceacronym)
def find_device_id(self, deviceid: UUID) -> Optional[DeviceRecord]:
return self.deviceid_device_map.get(deviceid)
def find_devices(self, searchval: str) -> List[DeviceRecord]:
records = set()
if searchval in self.deviceacronym_device_map:
for record in self.device_records:
if (searchval in record.acronym or
searchval in or
searchval in record.parentacronym or
searchval in record.companyacronym or
searchval in record.vendoracronym or
searchval in record.vendordevicename):
return list(records)