Source code for sttp.metadata.record.device

# ******************************************************************************************************
#  metadata/record/ - Gbtc
#  Copyright © 2021, Grid Protection Alliance.  All Rights Reserved.
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#  Code Modification History:
#  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  02/09/2021 - J. Ritchie Carroll
#       Generated original version of source code.
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from __future__ import annotations
from gsf import Empty
from typing import Set, TYPE_CHECKING
from datetime import datetime
from uuid import UUID
from decimal import Decimal

    from .measurement import MeasurementRecord
    from .phasor import PhasorRecord

[docs] class DeviceRecord: """ Represents a record of device metadata in the STTP. """ DEFAULT_PARENTACRONYM = Empty.STRING DEFAULT_PROTOCOLNAME = Empty.STRING DEFAULT_FRAMESPERSECOND = 30 DEFAULT_COMPANYNAME = Empty.STRING DEFAULT_VENDORACRONYM = Empty.STRING DEFAULT_VENDORDEVICENAME = Empty.STRING DEFAULT_LONGITUDE = Empty.DECIMAL DEFAULT_LATITUDE = Empty.DECIMAL DEFAULT_UPDATEDON = Empty.DATETIME def __init__(self, nodeid: UUID, deviceid: UUID, acronym: str, name: str, accessid: int, parentacronym: str = ..., protocolname: str = ..., framespersecond: int = ..., companyacronym: str = ..., vendoracronym: str = ..., vendordevicename: str = ..., longitude: Decimal = ..., latitude: Decimal = ..., updatedon: datetime = ... ): """ Constructs a new `DeviceRecord`. """ self._nodeid = nodeid self._deviceid = deviceid self._acronym = acronym self._name = name self._accessid = accessid self._parentacronym = DeviceRecord.DEFAULT_PARENTACRONYM if parentacronym is ... else parentacronym self._protocolname = DeviceRecord.DEFAULT_PROTOCOLNAME if protocolname is ... else protocolname self._framespersecond = DeviceRecord.DEFAULT_FRAMESPERSECOND if framespersecond is ... else framespersecond self._companyacronym = DeviceRecord.DEFAULT_COMPANYNAME if companyacronym is ... else companyacronym self._vendoracronym = DeviceRecord.DEFAULT_VENDORACRONYM if vendoracronym is ... else vendoracronym self._vendordevicename = DeviceRecord.DEFAULT_VENDORDEVICENAME if vendordevicename is ... else vendordevicename self._longitude = DeviceRecord.DEFAULT_LONGITUDE if longitude is ... else longitude self._latitude = DeviceRecord.DEFAULT_LATITUDE if latitude is ... else latitude self._updatedon = DeviceRecord.DEFAULT_UPDATEDON if updatedon is ... else updatedon self.measurements: Set[MeasurementRecord] = set() """ Gets `MeasurementRecord` values associated with this `DeviceRecord`. """ self.phasors: Set[PhasorRecord] = set() """ Gets `PhasorRecord` values associated with this `DeviceRecord`. """ @property def nodeid(self) -> UUID: # <DeviceDetail>/<NodeID> """ Gets the guid-based STTP node identifier for this `DeviceRecord`. """ return self._nodeid @property def deviceid(self) -> UUID: # <DeviceDetail>/<UniqueID> """ Gets the unique guid-based identifier for this `DeviceRecord`. """ return self._deviceid @property def acronym(self) -> str: # <DeviceDetail>/<Acronym> """ Gets the unique alpha-numeric identifier for this `DeviceRecord`. """ return self._acronym @property def name(self) -> str: # <DeviceDetail>/<Name> """ Gets the free form name of this `DeviceRecord`. """ return self._name @property def accessid(self) -> int: # <DeviceDetail>/<AccessID> """ Gets the access ID (a.k.a. ID code) for this `DeviceRecord`. """ return self._accessid @property def parentacronym(self) -> str: # <DeviceDetail>/<ParentAcronym> """ Gets the parent device alpha-numeric identifier for this `DeviceRecord`, if any. """ return self._parentacronym @property def protocolname(self) -> str: # <DeviceDetail>/<ProtocolName> """ Gets the name of the source protocol for this `DeviceRecord`. """ return self._protocolname @property def framespersecond(self) -> int: # <DeviceDetail>/<FramesPerSecond> """ Gets the data reporting rate, in data frames per second, for this `DeviceRecord`. """ return self._framespersecond @property def companyacronym(self) -> str: # <DeviceDetail>/<CompanyAcronym> """ Gets the acronym of the company associated with this `DeviceRecord`. """ return self._companyacronym @property def vendoracronym(self) -> str: # <DeviceDetail>/<VendorAcronym> """ Gets the acronym of the vendor associated with this `DeviceRecord`. """ return self._vendoracronym @property def vendordevicename(self) -> str: # <DeviceDetail>/<VendorDeviceName> """ Gets the acronym of the vendor device name associated with this `DeviceRecord`. """ return self._vendordevicename @property def longitude(self) -> Decimal: # <DeviceDetail>/<Longitude> """ Gets the longitude of this `DeviceRecord`. """ return self._longitude @property def latitude(self) -> Decimal: # <DeviceDetail>/<Latitude> """ Gets the latitude of this `DeviceRecord`. """ return self._latitude @property def updatedon(self) -> datetime: # <DeviceDetail>/<UpdatedOn> """ Gets the `datetime` of when this `DeviceRecord` was last updated. """ return self._updatedon