Source code for sttp.metadata.record.measurement

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#  metadata/record/ - Gbtc
#  Copyright © 2021, Grid Protection Alliance.  All Rights Reserved.
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#  Code Modification History:
#  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  02/07/2021 - J. Ritchie Carroll
#       Generated original version of source code.
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from __future__ import annotations
from gsf import Empty
from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
from enum import IntEnum
from datetime import datetime
from uuid import UUID
import numpy as np

    from .device import DeviceRecord
    from .phasor import PhasorRecord

[docs] class SignalType(IntEnum): """ Represents common signal types for STTP metadata. This list may not be exhaustive for some STTP deployments. If value is set to `UNKN`, check the string based `SignalTypeName` in the `MeasurementRecord`. """ IPHM = 1 # Current phase magnitude IPHA = 2 # Current phase angle VPHM = 3 # Voltage phase magnitude VPHA = 4 # Voltage phase angle FREQ = 5 # Frequency DFDT = 6 # Frequency derivative, i.e., Δfreq / Δtime ALOG = 7 # Analog value (scalar) FLAG = 8 # Status flags (16-bit) DIGI = 9 # Digital value (16-bit) CALC = 10 # Calculated value STAT = 11 # Statistic value ALRM = 12 # Alarm state QUAL = 13 # Quality flags (16-bit) UNKN = -1 # Unknown type, see `SignalTypeName`
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, name: str) -> SignalType: return getattr(cls, name.upper(), None)
[docs] class MeasurementRecord: """ Represents a record of measurement metadata in the STTP. Note ---- The `MeasurementRecord` defines ancillary information associated with a `Measurement`. Metadata gets cached in a registry associated with a `DataSubscriber`. """ DEFAULT_SIGNALID = Empty.GUID DEFAULT_ADDER = np.float64(0.0) DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER = np.float64(1.0) DEFAULT_ID = np.uint64(0) DEFAULT_SOURCE = Empty.STRING DEFAULT_SIGNALTYPENAME = "UNKN" DEFAULT_SIGNALREFERENCE = Empty.STRING DEFAULT_POINTTAG = Empty.STRING DEFAULT_DEVICEACRONYM = Empty.STRING DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION = Empty.STRING DEFAULT_UPDATEDON = Empty.DATETIME def __init__(self, signalid: UUID, adder: np.float64 = ..., multiplier: np.float64 = ..., id: np.uint64 = ..., source: str = ..., signaltypename: str = ..., signalreference: str = ..., pointtag: str = ..., deviceacronym: str = ..., description: str = ..., updatedon: datetime = ... ): """ Constructs a new `MeasurementRecord`. """ self._signalid = MeasurementRecord.DEFAULT_SIGNALID if signalid is ... else signalid self._adder = MeasurementRecord.DEFAULT_ADDER if adder is ... else adder self._multiplier = MeasurementRecord.DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER if multiplier is ... else multiplier self._id = MeasurementRecord.DEFAULT_ID if id is ... else id self._source = MeasurementRecord.DEFAULT_SOURCE if source is ... else source self._signaltypename = MeasurementRecord.DEFAULT_SIGNALTYPENAME if signaltypename is ... else signaltypename try: self._signaltype = SignalType.parse(self._signaltypename) except Exception: self._signaltype = SignalType.UNKN self._signalreference = MeasurementRecord.DEFAULT_SIGNALREFERENCE if signalreference is ... else signalreference self._pointtag = MeasurementRecord.DEFAULT_POINTTAG if pointtag is ... else pointtag self._deviceacronym = MeasurementRecord.DEFAULT_DEVICEACRONYM if deviceacronym is ... else deviceacronym self._description = MeasurementRecord.DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION if description is ... else description self._updatedOn = MeasurementRecord.DEFAULT_UPDATEDON if updatedon is ... else updatedon self.device: Optional[DeviceRecord] = None """ Defines the associated `DeviceRecord` for this `MeasurementRecord`. Set to `None` if not applicable. """ self.phasor: Optional[PhasorRecord] = None """ Defines the associated `PhasorRecord` for this `MeasurementRecord`. Set to `None` if not applicable. """ @property def signalid(self) -> UUID: # <MeasurementDetail>/<SignalID> """ Gets the unique guid-based signal identifier for this `MeasurementRecord`. """ return self._signalid @property def adder(self) -> np.float64: # <MeasurementDetail>/<Adder> """ Gets the additive value modifier. Allows for linear value adjustment. Defaults to zero. """ return self._adder @property def multiplier(self) -> np.float64: # <MeasurementDetail>/<Multiplier> """ Gets the multiplicative value modifier. Allows for linear value adjustment. Defaults to one. """ return self._multiplier @property def id(self) -> np.uint64: # <MeasurementDetail>/<ID> (right part of measurement key) """ Gets the STTP numeric ID number (from measurement key) for this `MeasurementRecord`. """ return self._id @property def source(self) -> str: # <MeasurementDetail>/<ID> (left part of measurement key) """ Gets the STTP source instance (from measurement key) for this `MeasurementRecord`. """ return self._source @property def signaltypename(self) -> str: # <MeasurementDetail>/<SignalAcronym> """ Gets the signal type name for this `MeasurementRecord`, e.g., "FREQ". """ return self._signaltypename @property def signaltype(self) -> SignalType: """ Gets the `SignalType` enumeration for this `MeasurementRecord`, if it can be parsed from `signaltypename`; otherwise, returns `SignalType.UNKN`. """ return self._signaltype @property def signalreference(self) -> str: # <MeasurementDetail>/<SignalReference> """ Gets the unique signal reference for this `MeasurementRecord`. """ return self._signalreference @property def pointtag(self) -> str: # <MeasurementDetail>/<PointTag> """ Gets the unique point tag for this `MeasurementRecord`. """ return self._pointtag @property def deviceacronym(self) -> str: # <MeasurementDetail>/<DeviceAcronym> """ Gets the alpha-numeric identifier of the associated device for this `MeasurementRecord`. """ return self._deviceacronym @property def description(self) -> str: # <MeasurementDetail>/<Description> """ Gets the description for this `MeasurementRecord`. """ return self._description @property def updatedon(self) -> datetime: # <MeasurementDetail>/<UpdatedOn> """ Gets the `datetime` of when this `MeasurementRecord` was last updated. """ return self._updatedOn