Source code for sttp.reader

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# - Gbtc
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#  Code Modification History:
#  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  08/24/2022 - J. Ritchie Carroll
#       Generated original version of source code.
# ******************************************************************************************************

from __future__ import annotations
from .transport.measurement import Measurement
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING
from queue import Full, Queue
import contextlib

    from subscriber import Subscriber

[docs] class MeasurementReader: """ Defines an STTP measurement reader. """ def __init__(self, subscriber: Subscriber): """ Creates a new `MeasurementReader`. """ self._queue = Queue(1) self._subscriber = subscriber self._subscriber.set_newmeasurements_receiver(self._read_measurements) self._disposed = False
[docs] def dispose(self): """ Cleanly shuts down a `MeasurmentReader` that is no longer being used. This method will release any waiting threads. """ self._disposed = True with contextlib.suppress(Full): self._queue.put_nowait(Measurement()) self._task_done()
def _task_done(self): with contextlib.suppress(ValueError): self._queue.task_done() def _read_measurements(self, measurements: List[Measurement]): for measurement in measurements: if self._disposed: break self._queue.put(measurement) self._queue.join()
[docs] def next_measurement(self) -> Tuple[Optional[Measurement], bool]: """ Blocks current thread until a new measurement arrived. """ current = self._queue.get() self._task_done() return (None, False) if self._disposed else (current, True)