Source code for sttp.transport.compactmeasurement

# - Gbtc
#  Copyright © 2022, Grid Protection Alliance.  All Rights Reserved.
#  Licensed to the Grid Protection Alliance (GPA) under one or more contributor license agreements. See
#  the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
#  The GPA licenses this file to you under the MIT License (MIT), the "License"; you may not use this
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#  Code Modification History:
#  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  08/!4/2022 - J. Ritchie Carroll
#       Generated original version of source code.

from enum import IntFlag
from gsf import Limits
from gsf.endianorder import BigEndian
from ..ticks import Ticks
from .measurement import Measurement
from .constants import StateFlags
from .signalindexcache import SignalIndexCache
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional
from uuid import UUID
import numpy as np

[docs] class CompactStateFlags(IntFlag): """ Enumeration constants represent each flag in the 8-bit compact measurement state flags. """ DATARANGE = 0x01 DATAQUALITY = 0x02 TIMEQUALITY = 0x04 SYSTEMISSUE = 0x08 CALCULATEDVALUE = 0x10 DISCARDEDVALUE = 0x20 BASETIMEOFFSET = 0x40 TIMEINDEX = 0x80
DATARANGEMASK: StateFlags = 0x000000FC DATAQUALITYMASK: StateFlags = 0x0000EF03 TIMEQUALITYMASK: StateFlags = 0x00BF0000 SYSTEMISSUEMASK: StateFlags = 0xE0000000 CALCULATEDVALUEMASK: StateFlags = 0x00001000 DISCARDEDVALUEMASK: StateFlags = 0x00400000 FIXEDLENGTH: np.uint32 = 9 def _map_to_fullflags(compactflags: CompactStateFlags) -> StateFlags: fullflags: StateFlags = StateFlags.NORMAL if (compactflags & CompactStateFlags.DATARANGE) > 0: fullflags |= DATARANGEMASK if (compactflags & CompactStateFlags.DATAQUALITY) > 0: fullflags |= DATAQUALITYMASK if (compactflags & CompactStateFlags.TIMEQUALITY) > 0: fullflags |= TIMEQUALITYMASK if (compactflags & CompactStateFlags.SYSTEMISSUE) > 0: fullflags |= SYSTEMISSUEMASK if (compactflags & CompactStateFlags.CALCULATEDVALUE) > 0: fullflags |= CALCULATEDVALUEMASK if (compactflags & CompactStateFlags.DISCARDEDVALUE) > 0: fullflags |= DISCARDEDVALUEMASK return fullflags def _map_to_compactflags(fullflags: StateFlags) -> CompactStateFlags: compactflags: CompactStateFlags = 0 if (fullflags & DATARANGEMASK) > 0: compactflags |= CompactStateFlags.DATARANGE if (fullflags & DATAQUALITYMASK) > 0: compactflags |= CompactStateFlags.DATAQUALITY if (fullflags & TIMEQUALITYMASK) > 0: compactflags |= CompactStateFlags.TIMEQUALITY if (fullflags & SYSTEMISSUEMASK) > 0: compactflags |= CompactStateFlags.SYSTEMISSUE if (fullflags & CALCULATEDVALUEMASK) > 0: compactflags |= CompactStateFlags.CALCULATEDVALUE if (fullflags & DISCARDEDVALUEMASK) > 0: compactflags |= CompactStateFlags.DISCARDEDVALUE return compactflags
[docs] class CompactMeasurement(Measurement): """ Represents a measured value, in simple compact format, for transmission or reception in STTP. """ def __init__(self, signalindexcache: SignalIndexCache, includetime: bool, usemillisecondresolution: bool, basetimeoffsets: List[np.int64], signalid: UUID = ..., value: np.float64 = ..., timestamp: np.uint64 = ..., flags: StateFlags = ... ): super().__init__(signalid, value, timestamp, flags) self._signalindexcache = signalindexcache self._includetime = includetime self._usemillisecondresolution = usemillisecondresolution self._basetimeoffsets = basetimeoffsets self._timeindex = 0 self._usingbasetimeoffset = False
[docs] def get_binarylength(self) -> np.uint32: # sourcery skip: assign-if-exp """ Gets the binary byte length of a `CompactMeasurement` """ length = FIXEDLENGTH if not self._includetime: return length basetimeoffset = self._basetimeoffsets[self._timeindex] if basetimeoffset > 0: # See if timestamp will fit within space allowed for active base offset. We cache result so that post call # to GetBinaryLength, result will speed other subsequent parsing operations by not having to reevaluate. difference = self.timestampvalue - basetimeoffset if difference > 0: if self._usemillisecondresolution: self._usingbasetimeoffset = np.int64( difference / Ticks.PERMILLISECOND) < Limits.MAXUINT16 else: self._usingbasetimeoffset = difference < Limits.MAXUINT32 else: self._usingbasetimeoffset = False if self._usingbasetimeoffset: if self._usemillisecondresolution: length += 2 # Use two bytes for millisecond resolution timestamp with valid offset else: length += 4 # Use four bytes for tick resolution timestamp with valid offset else: length += 8 # Use eight bytes for full fidelity time else: # Use eight bytes for full fidelity time length += 8 return length
[docs] def get_timestamp_c2(self) -> np.uint16: """ Gets offset compressed millisecond-resolution 2-byte timestamp. """ return np.uint16((self.timestampvalue - self._basetimeoffsets[self._timeindex]) / Ticks.PERMILLISECOND)
[docs] def get_timestamp_c4(self) -> np.uint32: """ Gets offset compressed tick-resolution 4-byte timestamp. """ return np.uint32(self.timestampvalue - self._basetimeoffsets[self._timeindex])
[docs] def get_compact_stateflags(self) -> np.byte: """ Gets byte level compact state flags with encoded time index and base time offset bits. """ # Encode compact state flags flags: CompactStateFlags = _map_to_compactflags(self.flags) if self._timeindex != 0: flags |= CompactStateFlags.TIMEINDEX if self._usingbasetimeoffset: flags |= CompactStateFlags.BASETIMEOFFSET return np.byte(flags)
[docs] def set_compact_stateflags(self, value: np.byte): """ Sets byte level compact state flags with encoded time index and base time offset bits. """ # Decode compact state flags flags = CompactStateFlags(value) self.flags = _map_to_fullflags(flags) self._timeindex = 1 if flags & CompactStateFlags.TIMEINDEX > 0 else 0 self._usingbasetimeoffset = ( flags & CompactStateFlags.BASETIMEOFFSET) > 0
@property def runtimeid(self) -> np.int32: """ Gets the 4-byte run-time signal index for this measurement. """ return self._signalindexcache.signalindex(self.signalid) @runtimeid.setter def runtimeid(self, value: np.int32): """ Sets the 4-byte run-time signal index for this measurement. Notes ----- This assigns `CompactMeasurement` signal ID from the specified signal index based on lookup in the active `SignalIndexCache`. """ self.signalid = self._signalindexcache.signalid(value)
[docs] def decode(self, buffer: bytes) -> Tuple[int, Optional[Exception]]: """ Parses a `CompactMeasurement` from the specified byte buffer. """ if len(buffer) < FIXEDLENGTH: return 0, ValueError("not enough buffer available to deserialize compact measurement") # Basic Compact Measurement Format: # Field: Bytes: # -------- ------- # Flags 1 # ID 4 # Value 4 # [Time] 0/2/4/8 # Decode state flags self.set_compact_stateflags(buffer[0]) index = 1 # Decode runtime ID self.runtimeid = np.int32(BigEndian.to_uint32(buffer[index:])) index += 4 # Decode value self.value = np.float64(BigEndian.to_float32(buffer[index:])) index += 4 if not self._includetime: return index, None if self._usingbasetimeoffset: basetimeoffset = np.uint64(self._basetimeoffsets[self._timeindex]) if self._usemillisecondresolution: # Decode 2-byte millisecond offset timestamp if basetimeoffset > 0: self.timestamp = basetimeoffset + np.uint64(BigEndian.to_uint16(buffer[index:])) * Ticks.PERMILLISECOND index += 2 else: # Decode 4-byte tick offset timestamp if basetimeoffset > 0: self.timestamp = basetimeoffset + np.uint64(BigEndian.to_uint32(buffer[index:])) index += 4 else: # Decode 8-byte full fidelity timestamp # Note that only a full fidelity timestamp can carry leap second flags self.timestamp = BigEndian.to_uint64(buffer[index:]) index += 8 return index, None