Source code for sttp.transport.datasubscriber

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#  Copyright © 2022, Grid Protection Alliance.  All Rights Reserved.
#  Licensed to the Grid Protection Alliance (GPA) under one or more contributor license agreements. See
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#  Code Modification History:
#  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  08/17/2022 - J. Ritchie Carroll
#       Generated original version of source code.
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from gsf import Empty, Limits, normalize_enumname
from gsf.endianorder import BigEndian
from gsf.binarystream import BinaryStream
from gsf.streamencoder import StreamEncoder
from .measurement import Measurement
from .compactmeasurement import CompactMeasurement
from ..metadata.record.measurement import MeasurementRecord
from ..metadata.cache import MetadataCache
from .bufferblock import BufferBlock
from .constants import OperationalModes, OperationalEncoding, CompressionModes, Defaults
from .constants import DataPacketFlags, ServerCommand, ServerResponse, StateFlags
from .subscriptioninfo import SubscriptionInfo
from .subscriberconnector import SubscriberConnector
from .signalindexcache import SignalIndexCache
from .tssc.decoder import Decoder
from ..ticks import Ticks
from ..version import Version
from typing import List, Callable, Optional, Tuple
from time import time
from uuid import UUID
from threading import Lock, Thread
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import gzip
import socket
import numpy as np


[docs] class DataSubscriber: """ Represents a subscription for an STTP connection. """ DEFAULT_COMPRESS_PAYLOADDATA = Defaults.COMPRESS_PAYLOADDATA # Defaults to TSSC DEFAULT_COMPRESS_METADATA = Defaults.COMPRESS_METADATA # Defaults to Gzip DEFAULT_COMPRESS_SIGNALINDEXCACHE = Defaults.COMPRESS_SIGNALINDEXCACHE # Defaults to Gzip DEFAULT_VERSION = Defaults.VERSION DEFAULT_STTP_SOURCEINFO = Version.STTP_SOURCE DEFAULT_STTP_VERSIONINFO = Version.STTP_VERSION DEFAULT_STTP_UPDATEDONINFO = Version.STTP_UPDATEDON DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT = Defaults.SOCKET_TIMEOUT def __init__(self, compress_payloaddata: bool = ..., compress_metadata: bool = ..., compress_signalindexcache: bool = ..., version: np.byte = ..., sttp_sourceinfo: str = ..., sttp_versioninfo: str = ..., sttp_updatedoninfo: str = ..., socket_timeout: float = ... ): """ Creates a new `DataSubscriber`. """ self._subscription = SubscriptionInfo() self._subscriberid = Empty.GUID self._encoding = OperationalEncoding.UTF8 self._connector = SubscriberConnector() self._connected = False self._subscribed = False self._commandchannel_socket: Optional[socket.socket] = None self._commandchannel_responsethread: Optional[Thread] = None self._datachannel_socket: Optional[socket.socket] = None self._datachannel_responsethread: Optional[Thread] = None self._connect_action_mutex = Lock() self._connection_terminationthread_mutex = Lock() self._connection_terminationthread: Optional[Thread] = None self._disconnectthread: Optional[Thread] = None self._disconnectthread_mutex = Lock() self._disconnecting = False self._disconnected = False self._disposing = False # Statistics counters self._total_commandchannel_bytesreceived = np.uint64(0) self._total_datachannel_bytesreceived = np.uint64(0) self._total_measurementsreceived = np.uint64(0) self.statusmessage_callback: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None """ Called when a informational message should be logged. """ self.errormessage_callback: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None """ Called when an error message should be logged. """ self.connectionterminated_callback: Optional[Callable[[], None]] = None """ Called when `DataSubscriber` terminates its connection. """ self.autoreconnect_callback: Optional[Callable[[], None]] = None """ Called when `DataSubscriber` automatically reconnects. """ self.metadatareceived_callback: Optional[Callable[[bytes], None]] = None """ Called when `DataSubscriber` receives a metadata response. """ self.subscriptionupdated_callback: Optional[Callable[[SignalIndexCache], None]] = None """ Called when `DataSubscriber` receives a new signal index cache. """ self.data_starttime_callback: Optional[Callable[[np.uint64], None]] = None """ Called with timestamp of first received measurement in a subscription. """ self.configurationchanged_callback: Optional[Callable[[], None]] = None """ Called when the `DataPublisher` sends a notification that configuration has changed. """ self.newmeasurements_callback: Optional[Callable[[List[Measurement]], None]] = None """ Called when `DataSubscriber` receives a set of new measurements from the `DataPublisher`. """ self.newbufferblocks_callback: Optional[Callable[[List[BufferBlock]], None]] = None """ Called when `DataSubscriber` receives a set of new buffer block measurements from the `DataPublisher`. """ self.processingcomplete_callback: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None """ Called when the `DataPublisher` sends a notification that temporal processing has completed, i.e., the end of a historical playback data stream has been reached. """ self.notificationreceived_callback: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None """ Called when the `DataPublisher` sends a notification that requires receipt. """ self.compress_payloaddata = DataSubscriber.DEFAULT_COMPRESS_PAYLOADDATA if compress_payloaddata is ... else compress_payloaddata """ Determines whether payload data is compressed, defaults to TSSC. """ self.compress_metadata = DataSubscriber.DEFAULT_COMPRESS_METADATA if compress_metadata is ... else compress_metadata """ Determines whether the metadata transfer is compressed, defaults to GZip. """ self.compress_signalindexcache = DataSubscriber.DEFAULT_COMPRESS_SIGNALINDEXCACHE if compress_signalindexcache is ... else compress_signalindexcache """ Determines whether the signal index cache is compressed, defaults to GZip. """ self.version = DataSubscriber.DEFAULT_VERSION if version is ... else version """ Defines the STTP protocol version used by this library. """ self.sttp_sourceinfo = DataSubscriber.DEFAULT_STTP_SOURCEINFO if sttp_sourceinfo is ... else sttp_sourceinfo """ Defines the STTP library API title as identification information of `DataSubscriber` to a `DataPublisher`. """ self.sttp_versioninfo = DataSubscriber.DEFAULT_STTP_VERSIONINFO if sttp_versioninfo is ... else sttp_versioninfo """ Defines the STTP library API version as identification information of `DataSubscriber` to a `DataPublisher`. """ self.sttp_updatedoninfo = DataSubscriber.DEFAULT_STTP_UPDATEDONINFO if sttp_updatedoninfo is ... else sttp_updatedoninfo """ Defines when the STTP library API was last updated as identification information of `DataSubscriber` to a `DataPublisher`. """ self.metadatacache = MetadataCache() """ Defines the metadata cache associated with this `DataSubscriber`. """ self.socket_timeout = DataSubscriber.DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT if socket_timeout is ... else socket_timeout """ Defines the socket timeout in seconds for the `DataSubscriber` connection. """ # Measurement parsing self._metadatarequested = 0.0 self._signalindexcache = [SignalIndexCache(), SignalIndexCache()] self._signalindexcache_mutex = Lock() self._cacheindex = 0 self._timeindex = 0 self._basetimeoffsets = np.zeros(2, dtype=np.int64) self._key_ivs: Optional[List[List[bytes]]] = None self._last_missingcachewarning = 0.0 self._tssc_resetrequested = False self._tssc_lastoosreport = 0.0 self._tssc_lastoosreport_mutex = Lock() self._bufferblock_expectedsequencenumber = np.uint32(0) self._bufferblock_cache: List[BufferBlock] = [] self._threadpool = ThreadPoolExecutor(thread_name_prefix="DS-PoolThread")
[docs] def dispose(self): """ Cleanly shuts down a `DataSubscriber` that is no longer being used, e.g., during a normal application exit. """ self._disposing = True self._connector.dispose() self._disconnect(True, False) # Wait for connection terminated event to complete self._threadpool.shutdown(wait=True)
@property def connected(self) -> bool: """ Determines if a `DataSubscriber` is currently connected to a `DataPublisher`. """ return self._connected @property def subscribed(self) -> bool: """ Determines if a `DataSubscriber` is currently subscribed to a data stream. """ return self._subscribed @property def disposing(self) -> bool: """ Determines if `DataSubscriber` is being disposed. """ return self._disposing
[docs] def encodestr(self, data: str) -> bytes: """ Encodes an STTP string according to the defined operational modes. """ # Latest version of STTP only encodes to UTF-8 if self._encoding != OperationalEncoding.UTF8: raise RuntimeError("Python implementation of STTP only supports UTF-8 string encoding") return data.encode("utf-8")
[docs] def decodestr(self, data: bytes) -> str: """ Decodes an STTP string according to the defined operational modes. """ # Latest version of STTP only encodes to UTF-8 if self._encoding != OperationalEncoding.UTF8: raise RuntimeError("Python implementation of STTP only supports UTF-8 string encoding") return data.decode("utf-8")
[docs] def lookup_metadata(self, signalid: UUID, source: str = ..., id: np.uint64 = ...) -> MeasurementRecord: """ Gets the `MeasurementRecord` for the specified signal ID from the local registry. If the metadata does not exist, a new record is created and returned. """ record = self.metadatacache.find_measurement_signalid(signalid) if record is not None: return record record = MeasurementRecord(signalid, source=source, id=id) self.metadatacache.add_measurement(record) return record
[docs] def adjustedvalue(self, measurement: Measurement) -> np.float64: """ Gets the `Value` of a `Measurement` with any linear adjustments applied from the measurement's `Adder` and `Multiplier` metadata, if found. """ record = self.metadatacache.find_measurement_signalid(measurement.signalid) if record is not None: return measurement.value * record.multiplier + record.adder return measurement.value
[docs] def connect(self, hostname: str, port: np.uint16) -> Optional[Exception]: """ Requests the the `DataSubscriber` initiate a connection to the `DataPublisher`. """ # User requests to connection are not an auto-reconnect attempt return self._connect(hostname, port, False)
def _connect(self, hostname: str, port: np.uint16, autoreconnecting: bool) -> Optional[Exception]: # sourcery skip: extract-method if self._connected: return RuntimeError("subscriber is already connected; disconnect first") # Make sure any pending disconnect has completed to make sure socket is closed self._disconnectthread_mutex.acquire() disconnectthread = self._disconnectthread self._disconnectthread_mutex.release() if disconnectthread is not None and disconnectthread.is_alive(): disconnectthread.join() err: Optional[Exception] = None # Let any pending connect or disconnect operation complete before new connect, # this prevents destruction disconnect before connection is completed try: self._connect_action_mutex.acquire() self._disconnected = False self._subscribed = False self._total_commandchannel_bytesreceived = np.int64(0) self._total_datachannel_bytesreceived = np.int64(0) self._total_measurementsreceived = np.int64(0) self._key_ivs = None self._bufferblock_expectedsequencenumber = np.uint32(0) self.metadatacache = MetadataCache() if not autoreconnecting: self._connector.reset_connection() self._connector._connectionrefused = False # TODO: Add TLS implementation options # TODO: Add reverse (server-based) connection options, see: # self._commandchannel_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP) self._commandchannel_socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) self._commandchannel_socket.settimeout(self.socket_timeout) try: hostendpoint = socket.getaddrinfo(hostname, int(port), family=socket.AF_INET, proto=socket.IPPROTO_TCP)[0][4] except Exception: hostendpoint = (hostname, int(port)) self._commandchannel_socket.connect(hostendpoint) except Exception as ex: err = ex finally: self._connect_action_mutex.release() if err is None: self._commandchannel_responsethread = Thread(target=self._run_commandchannel_responsethread, name="CmdChannelThread") self._connected = True self._last_missingcachewarning = 0.0 self._commandchannel_responsethread.start() self._send_operationalmodes() return err
[docs] def subscribe(self) -> Optional[Exception]: """ Notifies the `DataPublisher` that a `DataSubscriber` would like to start receiving streaming data. """ if not self._connected: return RuntimeError("subscriber is not connected; cannot subscribe") self._total_measurementsreceived = np.uint64(0) subscription = self._subscription parmaterbuilder: List[str] = [ f"throttled={subscription.throttled}", f";publishInterval={subscription.publishinterval:.6f}", f";includeTime={subscription.includetime}", f";enableTimeReasonabilityCheck={subscription.enabletimereasonabilitycheck}", f";lagTime={subscription.lagtime:.6f}", f";leadTime={subscription.leadtime:.6f}", f";useLocalClockAsRealTime={subscription.uselocalclockasrealtime}", f";processingInterval={subscription.processinginterval}", f";useMillisecondResolution={subscription.use_millisecondresolution}", f";requestNaNValueFilter={subscription.request_nanvaluefilter}", f";assemblyInfo={{source={self.sttp_sourceinfo}", f";version={self.sttp_versioninfo}", f";updatedOn={self.sttp_updatedoninfo}}}" ] if len(subscription.filterexpression) > 0: parmaterbuilder.append(f";filterExpression={{{subscription.filterexpression}}}") if subscription.udpdatachannel: udpport = subscription.datachannel_localport try: self._datachannel_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self._datachannel_socket.bind((subscription.datachannel_interface, udpport)) self._datachannel_socket.settimeout(self.socket_timeout) except Exception as ex: return RuntimeError(f"failed to open UDP socket for port {udpport}: {ex}") self._datachannel_responsethread = Thread(target=self._run_datachannel_responsethread, name="DataChannelThread") self._datachannel_responsethread.start() parmaterbuilder.append(f";dataChannel={{localport={udpport}}}") if len(subscription.starttime) > 0: parmaterbuilder.append(f";startTimeConstraint={subscription.starttime}") if len(subscription.stoptime) > 0: parmaterbuilder.append(f";stopTimeConstraint={subscription.stoptime}") if len(subscription.constraintparameters) > 0: parmaterbuilder.append(f";timeConstraintParameters={subscription.constraintparameters}") if len(subscription.extra_connectionstring_parameters) > 0: parmaterbuilder.append(f";{subscription.extra_connectionstring_parameters}") parameterstring = "".join(parmaterbuilder) parameterexpression = self.encodestr(parameterstring) length = np.uint32(len(parameterexpression)) buffer = bytearray(5 + length) buffer[0] = DataPacketFlags.COMPACT buffer[1:5] = BigEndian.from_uint32(length) buffer[5:] = parameterexpression self.send_servercommand(ServerCommand.SUBSCRIBE, buffer) # Reset TSSC decompressor on successful (re)subscription self._tssc_lastoosreport_mutex.acquire() self._tssc_lastoosreport = time() self._tssc_lastoosreport_mutex.release() self._tssc_resetrequested = True return None
[docs] def unsubscribe(self): """ Notifies the `DataPublisher` that a `DataSubscriber` would like to stop receiving streaming data. """ if not self._connected: return self.send_servercommand(ServerCommand.UNSUBSCRIBE) self._disconnecting = True if self._datachannel_socket is not None: try: self._datachannel_socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) self._datachannel_socket.close() except Exception as ex: self._dispatch_errormessage(f"Exception while disconnecting data subscriber UDP data channel: {ex}") if self._datachannel_responsethread is not None and self._datachannel_responsethread.is_alive(): self._datachannel_responsethread.join() self._disconnecting = False
[docs] def disconnect(self): """ Initiates a `DataSubscriber` disconnect sequence. """ if self._disconnecting: return # Disconnect method executes shutdown on a separate thread without stopping to prevent # issues where user may call disconnect method from a dispatched event thread. Also, # user requests to disconnect are not an auto-reconnect attempt self._disconnect(False, False)
def _disconnect(self, jointhread: bool, autoreconnecting: bool): # Check if disconnect thread is running or subscriber has already disconnected if self._disconnecting: if not autoreconnecting and not self._disconnected: self._connector.cancel() self._disconnectthread_mutex.acquire() disconnectthread = self._disconnectthread self._disconnectthread_mutex.release() if jointhread and not self._disconnected and disconnectthread is not None and disconnectthread.is_alive(): disconnectthread.join() return # Notify running threads that the subscriber is disconnecting, i.e., disconnect thread is active self._disconnecting = True self._connected = False self._subscribed = False disconnectthread = Thread(target=lambda: self._run_disconnectthread(autoreconnecting), name="DisconnectThread") self._disconnectthread_mutex.acquire() disconnectthread.start() self._disconnectthread = disconnectthread self._disconnectthread_mutex.release() if jointhread and disconnectthread.is_alive(): disconnectthread.join() def _run_disconnectthread(self, autoreconnecting: bool): # sourcery skip: extract-method # Let any pending connect operation complete before disconnect - prevents destruction disconnect before connection is completed if not autoreconnecting: self._connector.cancel() self._connection_terminationthread_mutex.acquire() connection_terminationthread = self._connection_terminationthread self._connection_terminationthread_mutex.release() if connection_terminationthread is not None and connection_terminationthread.is_alive(): connection_terminationthread.join() self._connect_action_mutex.acquire() # Release queues and close sockets so that threads can shut down gracefully if self._commandchannel_socket is not None: try: self._commandchannel_socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) self._commandchannel_socket.close() except Exception as ex: self._dispatch_errormessage(f"Exception while disconnecting data subscriber TCP command channel: {ex}") if self._datachannel_socket is not None: try: self._datachannel_socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) self._datachannel_socket.close() except Exception as ex: self._dispatch_errormessage(f"Exception while disconnecting data subscriber UDP data channel: {ex}") # Join with all threads to guarantee their completion before returning control to the caller if self._commandchannel_responsethread is not None and self._commandchannel_responsethread.is_alive(): self._commandchannel_responsethread.join() if self._datachannel_responsethread is not None and self._datachannel_responsethread.is_alive(): self._datachannel_responsethread.join() # Notify consumers of disconnect if self.connectionterminated_callback is not None: self.connectionterminated_callback() # Disconnect complete self._disconnected = True self._disconnecting = False if autoreconnecting: # Handling auto-connect callback separately from connection terminated callback # since they serve two different use cases and current implementation does not # support multiple callback registrations if self.autoreconnect_callback is not None and not self._disposing: self.autoreconnect_callback() else: self._connect_action_mutex.release() # Dispatcher for connection terminated. This is called from its own separate thread # in order to cleanly shut down the subscriber in case the connection was terminated # by the peer. Additionally, this allows the user to automatically reconnect in their # callback function without having to spawn their own separate thread. def _dispatch_connectionterminated(self): try: self._connection_terminationthread_mutex.acquire() if self._connection_terminationthread is not None: return self._connection_terminationthread = Thread(target=self._handle_connectionterminated, name="ConnectionTerminationThread") self._connection_terminationthread.start() finally: self._connection_terminationthread_mutex.release() def _handle_connectionterminated(self): self._disconnect(False, True) self._connection_terminationthread_mutex.acquire() self._connection_terminationthread = None self._connection_terminationthread_mutex.release() def _dispatch_statusmessage(self, message: str): if self.statusmessage_callback is not None: self._threadpool.submit(self.statusmessage_callback, message) def _dispatch_errormessage(self, message: str): if self.errormessage_callback is not None: self._threadpool.submit(self.errormessage_callback, message) def _run_commandchannel_responsethread(self): def recv_data(length: int) -> bytes: while self._connected: try: return self._commandchannel_socket.recv(length) except (socket.timeout, OSError): continue reader = BinaryStream(StreamEncoder(recv_data, lambda _: ...)) buffer = bytearray(MAXPACKET_SIZE) while self._connected: try: reader.read_all(buffer, 0, PAYLOADHEADER_SIZE) # Gather statistics self._total_commandchannel_bytesreceived += PAYLOADHEADER_SIZE packetsize = BigEndian.to_uint32(buffer) if packetsize > len(buffer): buffer = bytearray(packetsize) # Read packet (payload body) # This read method is guaranteed not to return until the # requested size has been read or an error has occurred. reader.read_all(buffer, 0, packetsize) # Gather statistics self._total_commandchannel_bytesreceived += packetsize except Exception: # Read error, connection may have been closed by peer; terminate connection self._dispatch_connectionterminated() return if self._disconnecting: return try: # Process response self._process_serverresponse(bytes(buffer[:packetsize])) except Exception as ex: self._dispatch_errormessage(f"Exception processing server response: {ex}") self._dispatch_connectionterminated() return # If the user defines a separate UDP channel for their # subscription, data packets get handled from this thread. def _run_datachannel_responsethread(self): def recv_data(length: int) -> bytes: while self._connected: try: return self._datachannel_socket.recvfrom(length)[0] except (socket.timeout, OSError): continue reader = StreamEncoder(recv_data, lambda _: ...) buffer = bytearray(MAXPACKET_SIZE) while self._connected: try: length =, 0, MAXPACKET_SIZE) # Gather statistics self._total_datachannel_bytesreceived += length except Exception: # Read error, connection may have been closed by peer; terminate connection self._dispatch_connectionterminated() return if self._disconnecting: return try: # Process response self._process_serverresponse(bytes(buffer[:length])) except Exception as ex: self._dispatch_errormessage(f"Exception processing server response: {ex}") self._dispatch_connectionterminated() return def _process_serverresponse(self, buffer: bytes): # sourcery skip: remove-pass-elif if self._disconnecting: return # Note: internal payload size at buffer[2:6] ignored - future versions of STTP will likely exclude this data = buffer[RESPONSEHEADER_SIZE:] responsecode = ServerResponse(buffer[0]) commandcode = ServerCommand(buffer[1]) if responsecode == ServerResponse.SUCCEEDED: self._handle_succeeded(commandcode, data) elif responsecode == ServerResponse.FAILED: self._handle_failed(commandcode, data) elif responsecode == ServerResponse.DATAPACKET: self._handle_datapacket(data) elif responsecode == ServerResponse.DATASTARTTIME: self._handle_datastarttime(data) elif responsecode == ServerResponse.PROCESSINGCOMPLETE: self._handle_processingcomplete(data) elif responsecode == ServerResponse.UPDATESIGNALINDEXCACHE: self._handle_update_signalindexcache(data) elif responsecode == ServerResponse.UPDATEBASETIMES: self._handle_update_basetimes(data) elif responsecode == ServerResponse.UPDATECIPHERKEYS: self._handle_update_cipherkeys(data) elif responsecode == ServerResponse.CONFIGURATIONCHANGED: self._handle_configurationchanged() elif responsecode == ServerResponse.BUFFERBLOCK: self._handle_bufferblock(data) elif responsecode == ServerResponse.NOTIFY: self._handle_notification(data) elif responsecode == ServerResponse.NOOP: # NoOP Handled pass else: self._dispatch_errormessage(f"Encountered unexpected server response code: {str(responsecode)}") def _handle_succeeded(self, commandcode: ServerCommand, data: bytes): has_response_message = False if commandcode == ServerCommand.METADATAREFRESH: self._handle_metadatarefresh(data) elif commandcode in [ServerCommand.SUBSCRIBE, ServerCommand.UNSUBSCRIBE]: self._subscribed = commandcode == ServerCommand.SUBSCRIBE has_response_message = True elif commandcode in [ServerCommand.ROTATECIPHERKEYS, ServerCommand.UPDATEPROCESSINGINTERVAL]: has_response_message = True else: # If we don't know what the message is, we can't interpret # the data sent with the packet. Deliver an error message # to the user via the error message callback. self._dispatch_errormessage(f"Received success code in response to unknown server command: {str(commandcode)} ({hex(commandcode)})") if not has_response_message: return # Each of these responses come with a message that will # be delivered to the user via the status message callback. message: List[str] = [f"Received success code in response to server command: {normalize_enumname(commandcode)}"] if data: # len > 0 message.append("\n") message.append(self.decodestr(data)) self._dispatch_statusmessage("".join(message)) def _handle_failed(self, commandcode: ServerCommand, data: bytes): message: List[str] = [] if commandcode == ServerCommand.CONNECT: self._connector._connectionrefused = True else: message.append(f"Received failure code in response to server command: {normalize_enumname(commandcode)}") if data: # len > 0 if message: # len > 0 message.append("\n") message.append(self.decodestr(data)) if message: # len > 0 self._dispatch_errormessage("".join(message)) def _handle_metadatarefresh(self, data: bytes): if self.metadatareceived_callback is not None: if self.compress_metadata: self._dispatch_statusmessage(f"Received {len(data):,} bytes of metadata in {(time() - self._metadatarequested):.3f} seconds. Decompressing...") decompress_started = time() try: data = gzip.decompress(data) except Exception as ex: self._dispatch_errormessage(f"Failed to decompress received metadata: {ex}") return self._dispatch_statusmessage(f"Decompressed {len(data):,} bytes of metadata in {(time() - decompress_started):.3f} seconds. Parsing...") else: self._dispatch_statusmessage(f"Received {len(data):,} bytes of metadata in {(time() - self._metadatarequested):.3f} seconds. Parsing...") self._threadpool.submit(self.metadatareceived_callback, data) def _handle_datastarttime(self, data: bytes): if self.data_starttime_callback is not None: self.data_starttime_callback(BigEndian.to_uint64(data)) def _handle_processingcomplete(self, data: bytes): if self.processingcomplete_callback is not None: self.processingcomplete_callback(self.decodestr(data)) def _handle_update_signalindexcache(self, data: bytes): if not data: # len == 0 return version = self.version cacheindex = 0 # Get active cache index if version > 1: if data[0] > 0: cacheindex = 1 data = data[1:] if self.compress_signalindexcache: try: data = gzip.decompress(data) except Exception as ex: self._dispatch_errormessage(f"Failed to decompress received signal index cache: {ex}") return signalindexcache = SignalIndexCache() (self._subscriberid, err) = signalindexcache.decode(self, data) if err is not None: self._dispatch_errormessage(f"Failed to parse signal index cache: {err}") return self._signalindexcache_mutex.acquire() self._signalindexcache[cacheindex] = signalindexcache self._cacheindex = cacheindex self._signalindexcache_mutex.release() if version > 1: self.send_servercommand(ServerCommand.CONFIRMUPDATESIGNALINDEXCACHE) if self.subscriptionupdated_callback is not None: self.subscriptionupdated_callback(signalindexcache) def _handle_update_basetimes(self, data: bytes): if not data: # len == 0 return self._timeindex = 0 if BigEndian.to_uint32(data) == 0 else 1 self._basetimeoffsets = [BigEndian.to_uint64(data[4:]), BigEndian.to_uint64(data[12:])] self._dispatch_statusmessage(f"Received new base time offset from publisher: {Ticks.to_string(self._basetimeoffsets[self._timeindex ^ 1])}") def _handle_update_cipherkeys(self, data: bytes): # Deserialize new cipher keys key_ivs = [[bytes(), bytes()], [bytes(), bytes()]] # Move past active cipher index (not currently used anywhere else) index = 1 # Read even key size bufferlen = int(BigEndian.to_int32(data[index:])) index += 4 # Read even key key_ivs[EVEN_KEY][KEY_INDEX] = data[index:bufferlen] index += bufferlen # Read even initialization vector size bufferlen = int(BigEndian.to_int32(data[index:])) index += 4 # Read even initialization vector key_ivs[EVEN_KEY][IV_INDEX] = data[index:bufferlen] index += bufferlen # Read odd key size bufferlen = int(BigEndian.to_int32(data[index:])) index += 4 # Read odd key key_ivs[ODD_KEY][KEY_INDEX] = data[index:bufferlen] index += bufferlen # Read odd initialization vector size bufferlen = int(BigEndian.to_int32(data[index:])) index += 4 # Read odd initialization vector key_ivs[ODD_KEY][IV_INDEX] = data[index:bufferlen] #index += bufferLen # Exchange keys self._key_ivs = key_ivs self._dispatch_statusmessage("Successfully established new cipher keys for UDP data packet transmissions.") def _handle_configurationchanged(self): self._dispatch_statusmessage("Received notification from publisher that configuration has changed.") if self.configurationchanged_callback is not None: self.configurationchanged_callback() def _handle_datapacket(self, data: bytes): datapacketflags = DataPacketFlags(data[0]) compressed = datapacketflags & DataPacketFlags.COMPRESSED > 0 compact = datapacketflags & DataPacketFlags.COMPACT > 0 if not compressed and not compact: self._dispatch_errormessage("Python implementation of STTP only supports compact or compressed data packet encoding - disconnecting.") self._dispatch_connectionterminated() return data = data[1:] if self._key_ivs is not None: # Get a local copy keyIVs - these can change at any time key_ivs = self._key_ivs cipherindex = 1 if datapacketflags & DataPacketFlags.CIPHERINDEX > 0 else 0 try: cipher =[cipherindex][KEY_INDEX], AES.MODE_CBC, key_ivs[cipherindex][IV_INDEX]) data = cipher.decrypt(data) except Exception as ex: self._dispatch_errormessage(f"Failed to decrypt data packet - disconnecting: {ex}") self._dispatch_connectionterminated() return count = BigEndian.to_uint32(data) cacheindex = 1 if datapacketflags & DataPacketFlags.CACHEINDEX > 0 else 0 self._signalindexcache_mutex.acquire() signalindexcache = self._signalindexcache[cacheindex] self._signalindexcache_mutex.release() if compressed: measurements, err = self._parse_tssc_measurements(signalindexcache, data[4:], count) else: measurements, err = self._parse_compact_measurements(signalindexcache, data[4:], count) if err is not None: self._dispatch_errormessage(str(err)) self._dispatch_connectionterminated() else: if self.newmeasurements_callback is not None and len(measurements) > 0: # Do not use thread pool here, processing sequence may be important. # Execute callback directly from socket processing thread: self.newmeasurements_callback(measurements) self._total_measurementsreceived += count def _parse_tssc_measurements(self, signalindexcache: SignalIndexCache, data: bytes, count: np.uint32) -> Tuple[List[Measurement], Optional[Exception]]: decoder = signalindexcache._tsscdecoder newdecoder = False if decoder is None: signalindexcache._tsscdecoder = Decoder() decoder = signalindexcache._tsscdecoder decoder.sequencenumber = 0 newdecoder = True if data[0] != 85: return [], RuntimeError(f"TSSC version not recognized - disconnecting. Received version: {data[0]}") sequencenumber = BigEndian.to_uint16(data[1:]) if sequencenumber == 0: if not newdecoder: if decoder.sequencenumber > 0: self._dispatch_errormessage(f"TSSC algorithm reset before sequence number: {decoder.sequencenumber}") signalindexcache._tsscdecoder = Decoder() decoder = signalindexcache._tsscdecoder decoder.sequencenumber = 0 self._tssc_resetrequested = False self._tssc_lastoosreport_mutex.acquire() self._tssc_lastoosreport = time() self._tssc_lastoosreport_mutex.release() if decoder.sequencenumber != sequencenumber: if not self._tssc_resetrequested: self._tssc_lastoosreport_mutex.acquire() if time() - self._tssc_lastoosreport > 2.0: self._dispatch_errormessage(f"TSSC is out of sequence. Expecting: {decoder.sequencenumber}, received: {sequencenumber}") self._tssc_lastoosreport = time() self._tssc_lastoosreport_mutex.release() return [], None decoder.set_buffer(data[3:]) measurements = [Measurement] * count index = 0 success = True while success: pointid, timestamp, stateflags, value, success, err = decoder.try_get_measurement() if success: measurements[index] = Measurement( signalindexcache.signalid(pointid), np.float64(value), np.uint64(timestamp), StateFlags(int(stateflags))) index += 1 if err is not None: return [], RuntimeError(f"Failed to parse TSSC measurements - disconnecting: {err}") decoder.sequencenumber += 1 # Do not increment to 0 on roll-over if decoder.sequencenumber > Limits.MAXUINT16: decoder.sequencenumber = 1 return measurements, None def _parse_compact_measurements(self, signalindexcache: SignalIndexCache, data: bytes, count: np.uint32) -> Tuple[List[Measurement], Optional[Exception]]: if signalindexcache.count == 0: if self._last_missingcachewarning + MISSINGCACHEWARNING_INTERVAL < time(): # Warning message for missing signal index cache if self._last_missingcachewarning > 0.0: self._dispatch_statusmessage("WARNING: Signal index cache has not arrived. No compact measurements can be parsed.") self._last_missingcachewarning = time() return [], None measurements: List[Measurement] = [] use_millisecondresolution = self.subscription.use_millisecondresolution includetime = self.subscription.includetime index = 0 for _ in range(count): # Deserialize compact measurement format measurement = CompactMeasurement(signalindexcache, includetime, use_millisecondresolution, self._basetimeoffsets) (bytesdecoded, err) = measurement.decode(data[index:]) if err is not None: return [], RuntimeError(f"Failed to parse compact measurements - disconnecting: {err}") index += bytesdecoded measurements.append(measurement) return measurements, None def _handle_bufferblock(self, data: bytes): # sourcery skip: low-code-quality, extract-method # Buffer block received - wrap as a BufferBlockMeasurement and expose back to consumer sequencenumber = BigEndian.to_uint32(data) buffercacheindex = int(sequencenumber - self._bufferblock_expectedsequencenumber) # Check if this buffer block has already been processed (e.g., mistaken retransmission due to timeout) if buffercacheindex >= 0 and (buffercacheindex >= len(self._bufferblock_cache) and self._bufferblock_cache[buffercacheindex].buffer is None): # Send confirmation that buffer block is received self.send_servercommand(ServerCommand.CONFIRMBUFFERBLOCK, data[:4]) signalindexcacheindex = 1 if self.version > 1 and data[4:][0] > 0 else 0 data = data[5:] if self.version > 1 else data[4:] # Get measurement key from signal index cache signalindex = BigEndian.to_uint32(data) self._signalindexcache_mutex.acquire() signalindexCache = self._signalindexcache[signalindexcacheindex] self._signalindexcache_mutex.release() signalid = signalindexCache.signalid(signalindex) bufferblockmeasurement = BufferBlock(signalid) # Determine if this is the next buffer block in the sequence if sequencenumber == self._bufferblock_expectedsequencenumber: bufferblockmeasurements = np.empty(1 + len(self._bufferblock_cache), BufferBlock) # Add the buffer block measurement to the list of measurements to be published bufferblockmeasurements[0] = bufferblockmeasurement self._bufferblock_expectedsequencenumber += 1 # Add cached buffer block measurements to the list of measurements to be published for i in range(len(self._bufferblock_cache)): if self._bufferblock_cache[i].buffer is None: break bufferblockmeasurements[i] = self._bufferblock_cache[i] self._bufferblock_expectedsequencenumber += 1 # Remove published buffer block measurements from the buffer block queue if len(self._bufferblock_cache) > 0: self._bufferblock_cache = self._bufferblock_cache[i:] # Publish buffer block measurements if self.newbufferblocks_callback is not None: # Do not use thread pool here, processing sequence may be important. # Execute callback directly from socket processing thread: self.newbufferblocks_callback(bufferblockmeasurements) else: # Ensure that the list has at least as many elements as it needs to cache this measurement. # This edge case handles possible dropouts and/or out of order packet deliver when data # transport is UDP - this use case is not expected when using a TCP only connection. for _ in range(len(self._bufferblock_cache), buffercacheindex + 1): self._bufferblock_cache.append(BufferBlock()) # Insert this buffer block into the proper location in the list self._bufferblock_cache[buffercacheindex] = bufferblockmeasurement def _handle_notification(self, data: bytes): message = self.decodestr(data) self._dispatch_statusmessage(f"NOTIFICATION: {message}") if self.notificationreceived_callback is not None: self.notificationreceived_callback()
[docs] def send_servercommand_withmessage(self, commandcode: ServerCommand, message: str): """ Sends a server command code to the `DataPublisher` along with the specified string message as payload. """ self.send_servercommand(self.encodestr(message))
[docs] def send_servercommand(self, commandcode: ServerCommand, data: bytes = None): """ Sends a server command code to the `DataPublisher` with specified payload. """ if not self._connected: return packetsize = np.uint32(1) if data is None else np.uint32(len(data)) + 1 commandbuffersize = np.uint32(packetsize + PAYLOADHEADER_SIZE) buffer = bytearray(commandbuffersize) # Insert packet size buffer[:4] = BigEndian.from_uint32(packetsize) # Insert command code buffer[4] = commandcode if data is not None and data: # len > 0 buffer[5:commandbuffersize] = data if commandcode == ServerCommand.METADATAREFRESH: # Track start time of metadata request to calculate round-trip receive time self._metadatarequested = time() try: self._commandchannel_socket.send(buffer) except Exception as ex: # Write error, connection may have been closed by peer; terminate connection self._dispatch_errormessage(f"Failed to send server command - disconnecting: {ex}") self._dispatch_connectionterminated()
def _send_operationalmodes(self): operationalModes = np.uint32(CompressionModes.GZIP) operationalModes |= OperationalModes.VERSIONMASK & np.uint32(self.version) operationalModes |= self._encoding # TSSC compression only works with stateful connections if self.compress_payloaddata and not self.subscription.udpdatachannel: operationalModes |= OperationalModes.COMPRESSPAYLOADDATA | CompressionModes.TSSC if self.compress_metadata: operationalModes |= OperationalModes.COMPRESSMETADATA if self.compress_signalindexcache: operationalModes |= OperationalModes.COMPRESSSIGNALINDEXCACHE self.send_servercommand(ServerCommand.DEFINEOPERATIONALMODES, BigEndian.from_uint32(np.uint32(operationalModes))) @property def subscription(self) -> SubscriptionInfo: """ Gets the `SubscriptionInfo` associated with this `DataSubscriber`. """ return self._subscription @property def connector(self) -> SubscriberConnector: """ Gets the `SubscriberConnector` associated with this `DataSubscriber`. """ return self._connector @property def activesignalindexcache(self) -> SignalIndexCache: """ Gets the active signal index cache. """ self._signalindexcache_mutex.acquire() signalindexcache = self._signalindexcache[self._cacheindex] self._signalindexcache_mutex.release() return signalindexcache @property def subscriberid(self) -> UUID: """ Gets the subscriber ID as assigned by the `DataPublisher` upon receipt of the `SignalIndexCache`. """ return self._subscriberid @property def total_commandchannel_bytesreceived(self) -> np.uint64: """ Gets the total number of bytes received via the command channel since last connection. """ return self._total_commandchannel_bytesreceived @property def total_datachannel_bytesreceived(self) -> np.uint64: """ Gets the total number of bytes received via the data channel since last connection. """ return self._total_datachannel_bytesreceived @property def total_measurementsreceived(self) -> np.uint64: """ Gets the total number of measurements received since last subscription. """ return self._total_measurementsreceived