Source code for sttp.transport.measurement

# - Gbtc
#  Copyright © 2022, Grid Protection Alliance.  All Rights Reserved.
#  Licensed to the Grid Protection Alliance (GPA) under one or more contributor license agreements. See
#  the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
#  The GPA licenses this file to you under the MIT License (MIT), the "License"; you may not use this
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#  Unless agreed to in writing, the subject software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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#  Code Modification History:
#  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  08/14/2022 - J. Ritchie Carroll
#       Generated original version of source code.

from gsf import Empty, normalize_enumname
from ..ticks import Ticks
from .constants import StateFlags
from uuid import UUID
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np

[docs] class Measurement: """ Represents a basic unit of measured data for transmission or reception in the STTP API. """ DEFAULT_SIGNALID = Empty.GUID DEFAULT_VALUE = np.float64(np.nan) DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP = Empty.TICKS DEFAULT_FLAGS = StateFlags.NORMAL def __init__(self, signalid: UUID = ..., value: np.float64 = ..., timestamp: np.uint64 = ..., flags: StateFlags = ... ): self.signalid = Measurement.DEFAULT_SIGNALID if signalid is ... else signalid """ Defines measurement's globally unique identifier. """ self.value = Measurement.DEFAULT_VALUE if value is ... else value """ Defines instantaneous value of the measurement. """ self.timestamp = Measurement.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP if timestamp is ... else timestamp """ Defines the STTP uint64 timestamp, in ticks, that measurement was taken. """ self.flags = Measurement.DEFAULT_FLAGS if flags is ... else flags """ Defines flags indicating the state of the measurement as reported by the device that took it. """ @property def timestampvalue(self) -> np.int64: """ Gets the integer-based time from a `Measurement` ticks-based timestamp, i.e., the 62-bit time value excluding any leap-second flags. """ return Ticks.timestampvalue(self.timestamp) @property def datetime(self) -> datetime: """ Gets `Measurement` ticks-based timestamp as a standard Python datetime value. """ return Ticks.to_datetime(self.timestamp) def __repr__(self): return f"{self.signalid} @ {Ticks.to_shortstring(self.timestamp)} = {self.value:.3f} ({normalize_enumname(self.flags)})"