Source code for sttp.transport.signalkind

# - Gbtc
#  Copyright © 2022, Grid Protection Alliance.  All Rights Reserved.
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#  Code Modification History:
#  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  08/17/2022 - J. Ritchie Carroll
#       Generated original version of source code.

from enum import IntEnum

[docs] class SignalKind(IntEnum): """ Enumeration of the possible kinds of signals a Measurement can represent. """ ANGLE = 0 """ Angle defines a phase angle signal kind (could be a voltage or a current). """ MAGNITUDE = 1 """ Magnitude defines a phase magnitude signal kind (could be a voltage or a current). """ FREQUENCY = 2 """ Frequency defines a line frequency signal kind. """ DFDT = 3 """ DfDt defines a frequency delta over time(dF/dt) signal kind. """ STATUS = 4 """ Status defines a status flags signal kind. """ DIGITAL = 5 """ Digital defines a digital value signal kind. """ ANALOG = 6 """ Analog defines an analog value signal kind. """ CALCULATION = 7 """ Calculation defines a calculated value signal kind. """ STATISTIC = 8 """ Statistic defines a statistical value signal kind. """ ALARM = 9 """ Alarm defines an alarm value signal kind. """ QUALITY = 10 """ Quality defines a quality flags signal kind. """ UNKNOWN = 11 """ Unknown defines an undetermined signal kind. """
[docs] class SignalKindEnum: """ Helper functions for the `SignalKind` enumeration. """
[docs] @staticmethod def acronym(signalkind: SignalKind) -> str: """ Gets the `SignalKind` enumeration value as its two-character acronym string. """ if signalkind < SignalKind.ANGLE or signalkind > SignalKind.UNKNOWN: signalkind = SignalKind.UNKNOWN return ["PA", "PM", "FQ", "DF", "SF", "DV", "AV", "CV", "ST", "AL", "QF", "??"][signalkind]
[docs] @staticmethod def signaltype(signalkind: SignalKind, phasortype: str = ...) -> str: """ Gets the specific four-character signal type acronym for a 'SignalKind' enumeration value and phasor type, i.e., "V" voltage or "I" current. Parameters ---------- signalkind: The `SignalKind` enumeration value for the acronym. phasortype: "V" for voltage or "I" for current when `signalkind` is `SignalKind.ANGLE` or `SignalKind.MAGNITUDE`. """ if signalkind < SignalKind.ANGLE or signalkind > SignalKind.UNKNOWN: signalkind = SignalKind.UNKNOWN phasortype = "?" if phasortype is ... else phasortype.upper() return [f"{phasortype}PHA", f"{phasortype}PHM", "FREQ", "DFDT", "FLAG", "DIGI", "ALOG", "CALC", "STAT", "ALRM", "QUAL", "NULL"][signalkind]
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_acronym(acronym: str) -> SignalKind: # sourcery skip: assign-if-exp, reintroduce-else """ Gets the `SignalKind` enumeration value for the specified two-character acronym. """ acronym = acronym.strip().upper() if acronym == "PA": # Phase Angle return SignalKind.Angle if acronym == "PM": # Phase Magnitude return SignalKind.Magnitude if acronym == "FQ": # Frequency return SignalKind.Frequency if acronym == "DF": # dF/dt return SignalKind.DfDt if acronym == "SF": # Status Flags return SignalKind.Status if acronym == "DV": # Digital Value return SignalKind.Digital if acronym == "AV": # Analog Value return SignalKind.Analog if acronym == "CV": # Calculated Value return SignalKind.Calculation if acronym == "ST": # Statistical Value return SignalKind.Statistic if acronym == "AL": # Alarm Value return SignalKind.Alarm if acronym == "QF": # Quality Flags return SignalKind.Quality return SignalKind.Unknown