Source code for sttp.transport.subscriptioninfo

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#  08/17/2022 - J. Ritchie Carroll
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from .constants import Defaults
import numpy as np

[docs] class SubscriptionInfo: """ Defines subscription related settings for a `DataSubscriber` instance. """ DEFAULT_FILTEREXPRESSION = Defaults.FILTEREXPRESSION DEFAULT_THROTTLED = Defaults.THROTTLED DEFAULT_PUBLISHINTERVAL = Defaults.PUBLISHINTERVAL DEFAULT_UDPDATACHANNEL = Defaults.UDPDATACHANNEL DEFAULT_DATACHANNEL_LOCALPORT = Defaults.DATACHANNEL_LOCALPORT DEFAULT_DATACHANNEL_INTERFACE = Defaults.DATACHANNEL_INTERFACE DEFAULT_INCLUDETIME = Defaults.INCLUDETIME DEFAULT_ENABLE_TIME_REASONABILITY_CHECK = Defaults.ENABLE_TIME_REASONABILITY_CHECK DEFAULT_LAGTIME = Defaults.LAGTIME DEFAULT_LEADTIME = Defaults.LEADTIME DEFAULT_USE_LOCALCLOCK_AS_REALTIME = Defaults.USE_LOCALCLOCK_AS_REALTIME DEFAULT_USE_MILLISECONDRESOLUTION = Defaults.USE_MILLISECONDRESOLUTION DEFAULT_REQUEST_NANVALUEFILTER = Defaults.REQUEST_NANVALUEFILTER DEFAULT_STARTTIME = Defaults.STARTTIME DEFAULT_STOPTIME = Defaults.STOPTIME DEFAULT_CONSTRAINTPARAMETERS = Defaults.CONSTRAINTPARAMETERS DEFAULT_PROCESSINGINTERVAL = Defaults.PROCESSINGINTERVAL DEFAULT_EXTRA_CONNECTIONSTRING_PARAMETERS = Defaults.EXTRA_CONNECTIONSTRING_PARAMETERS def __init__(self, filterexpression: str = ..., throttled: bool = ..., publishinterval: np.float64 = ..., udpdatachannel: bool = ..., datachannel_localport: np.uint16 = ..., datachannel_interface: str = ..., includetime: bool = ..., enabletimereasonabilitycheck: bool = ..., lagtime: np.float64 = ..., leadtime: np.float64 = ..., uselocalclockasrealtime: bool = ..., usemillisecondresolution: bool = ..., requestnanvaluefilter: bool = ..., starttime: str = ..., stoptime: str = ..., constraintparameters: str = ..., processinginterval: np.int32 = ..., extra_connectionstring_parameters: str = ...): self.filterexpression = SubscriptionInfo.DEFAULT_FILTEREXPRESSION if filterexpression is ... else filterexpression """ Defines the desired measurements for a subscription. Examples include: * Directly specified signal IDs (UUID values in string format): `38A47B0-F10B-4143-9A0A-0DBC4FFEF1E8; {E4BBFE6A-35BD-4E5B-92C9-11FF913E7877}` * Directly specified tag names: `DOM_GPLAINS-BUS1:VH; TVA_SHELBY-BUS1:VH` * Directly specified identifiers in "measurement key" format: `PPA:15; STAT:20` * A filter expression against a selection view: `FILTER ActiveMeasurements WHERE Company='GPA' AND SignalType='FREQ'` """ self.throttled = SubscriptionInfo.DEFAULT_THROTTLED if throttled is ... else throttled """ Determines if data will be published using down-sampling. """ self.publishinterval = SubscriptionInfo.DEFAULT_PUBLISHINTERVAL if publishinterval is ... else publishinterval """ Defines the down-sampling publish interval to use when `throttled` is `True`. """ self.udpdatachannel = False if SubscriptionInfo.DEFAULT_UDPDATACHANNEL is ... else udpdatachannel """ Requests that a UDP channel be used for data publication. """ self.datachannel_localport = SubscriptionInfo.DEFAULT_DATACHANNEL_LOCALPORT if datachannel_localport is ... else datachannel_localport """ Defines the desired UDP port to use for publication. """ self.datachannel_interface = SubscriptionInfo.DEFAULT_DATACHANNEL_INTERFACE if datachannel_interface is ... else datachannel_interface """ Defines the desired network interface to use for UDP publication. """ self.includetime = SubscriptionInfo.DEFAULT_INCLUDETIME if includetime is ... else includetime """ Determines if time should be included in non-compressed, compact measurements. """ self.enabletimereasonabilitycheck = SubscriptionInfo.DEFAULT_ENABLE_TIME_REASONABILITY_CHECK if enabletimereasonabilitycheck is ... else enabletimereasonabilitycheck """ Determines if publisher should perform time reasonability checks. When enabled `lagtime` and `leadtime` will be used to determine if a measurement timestamp is reasonable. """ self.lagtime = SubscriptionInfo.DEFAULT_LAGTIME if lagtime is ... else lagtime """ Defines defines the allowed past time deviation tolerance in seconds (can be sub-second). Value is used to determine if a measurement timestamp is reasonable. Only applicable when `enabletimereasonabilitycheck` is `True`. """ self.leadtime = SubscriptionInfo.DEFAULT_LEADTIME if leadtime is ... else leadtime """ Defines defines the allowed future time deviation tolerance in seconds (can be sub-second). Value is used to determine if a measurement timestamp is reasonable. Only applicable when `enabletimereasonabilitycheck` is `True`. """ self.uselocalclockasrealtime = SubscriptionInfo.DEFAULT_USE_LOCALCLOCK_AS_REALTIME if uselocalclockasrealtime is ... else uselocalclockasrealtime """ Determines if publisher should use local clock as real time. If false, the timestamp of the latest measurement will be used as real-time. Only applicable when `enabletimereasonabilitycheck` is `True`. """ self.use_millisecondresolution = SubscriptionInfo.DEFAULT_USE_MILLISECONDRESOLUTION if usemillisecondresolution is ... else usemillisecondresolution """ Determines if time should be restricted to milliseconds in non-compressed, compact measurements. """ self.request_nanvaluefilter = SubscriptionInfo.DEFAULT_REQUEST_NANVALUEFILTER if requestnanvaluefilter is ... else requestnanvaluefilter """ Requests that the publisher filter, i.e., does not send, any NaN values. """ self.starttime = SubscriptionInfo.DEFAULT_STARTTIME if starttime is ... else starttime """ Defines the start time for a requested temporal data playback, i.e., a historical subscription. Simply by specifying a `StartTime` and `StopTime`, a subscription is considered a historical subscription. Note that the publisher may not support historical subscriptions, in which case the subscribe will fail. """ self.stoptime = SubscriptionInfo.DEFAULT_STOPTIME if stoptime is ... else stoptime """ Defines the stop time for a requested temporal data playback, i.e., a historical subscription. Simply by specifying a `StartTime` and `StopTime`, a subscription is considered a historical subscription. Note that the publisher may not support historical subscriptions, in which case the subscribe will fail. """ self.constraintparameters = SubscriptionInfo.DEFAULT_CONSTRAINTPARAMETERS if constraintparameters is ... else constraintparameters """ Defines any custom constraint parameters for a requested temporal data playback. This can include parameters that may be needed to initiate, filter, or control historical data access. """ self.processinginterval = SubscriptionInfo.DEFAULT_PROCESSINGINTERVAL if processinginterval is ... else processinginterval """ Defines the initial playback speed, in milliseconds, for a requested temporal data playback. With the exception of the values of -1 and 0, this value specifies the desired processing interval for data, i.e., basically a delay, or timer interval, over which to process data. A value of -1 means to use the default processing interval while a value of 0 means to process data as fast as possible. """ self.extra_connectionstring_parameters = SubscriptionInfo.DEFAULT_EXTRA_CONNECTIONSTRING_PARAMETERS if extra_connectionstring_parameters is ... else extra_connectionstring_parameters """ Defines any extra or custom connection string parameters that may be needed for a subscription. """