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Config Properties


The Config type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAutoReconnect Gets or sets flag that determines if connections should be automatically reattempted.
Public propertyAutoRequestMetadata Gets or sets flag that determines if metadata should be automatically requested upon successful connection.
Public propertyAutoSubscribe Gets or sets flag that determines if subscription should be handled automatically upon successful connection.
Public propertyCompressMetadata Gets or sets flag that determines whether the metadata transfer is compressed.
Public propertyCompressPayloadData Gets or sets flag that determines whether payload data is compressed.
Public propertyCompressSignalIndexCache Gets or sets flag that determines whether the signal index cache is compressed.
Public propertyMaxRetries Gets or sets the maximum number of times to retry a connection. Set value to -1 to retry infinitely.
Public propertyMaxRetryInterval Gets or sets the maximum retry interval, in seconds.
Public propertyMetadataFilters Gets or sets any filters to be applied to incoming metadata to reduce total received metadata. Each filter expression should be separated by semi-colon.
Public propertyRetryInterval Gets or sets the base retry interval, in seconds. Retries will exponentially back-off starting from this interval.
Public propertyVersion Gets or sets the target STTP protocol version. This currently defaults to 2.
See Also