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Settings Properties


The Settings type exposes the following members.

Public propertyConstraintParameters Gets or sets any custom constraint parameters for a requested temporal data playback. This can include parameters that may be needed to initiate, filter, or control historical data access.
Public propertyExtraConnectionStringParameters Gets or sets any extra custom connection string parameters that may be needed for a subscription.
Public propertyIncludeTime Gets or sets flag that determines if time should be included in non-compressed, compact measurements.
Public propertyProcessingInterval Gets or sets the initial playback speed, in milliseconds, for a requested temporal data playback.
With the exception of the values of -1 and 0, this value specifies the desired processing interval for data, i.e., basically a delay, or timer interval, over which to process data. A value of -1 means to use the default processing interval while a value of 0 means to process data as fast as possible.
Public propertyPublishInterval Gets or sets flag that defines the down-sampling publish interval, in seconds, to use when Throttled is true.
Public propertyRequestNaNValueFilter Gets or sets flag that requests that the publisher filter, i.e., does not send, any NaN values.
Public propertyStartTime Gets or sets the start time for a requested temporal data playback, i.e., a historical subscription. Simply by specifying a StartTime and StopTime, a subscription is considered a historical subscription.
Public propertyStopTime Gets or sets the stop time for a requested temporal data playback, i.e., a historical subscription. Simply by specifying a StartTime and StopTime, a subscription is considered a historical subscription.
Public propertyThrottled Gets or sets flag that setermines if data will be published using down-sampling.
Public propertyUDPDataChannelInterface Gets or sets the desired UDP binding interface to use for publication. Empty string means to bind to same interface as TCP command channel.
Public propertyUDPDataChannelPort Gets or sets the desired UDP port to use for publication. Zero value means do not receive data on UDP, i.e., data will be delivered to the STTP client via TCP.
Public propertyUseMillisecondResolution Gets or sets flag that determines if time should be restricted to milliseconds in non-compressed, compact measurements.
See Also