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sttp.transport Namespace


[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:sttp.transport"]

Public classBufferBlock BufferBlock defines an atomic unit of data, i.e., a binary buffer, for transport in STTP.
Public classDataPublisher Represents a publisher for an STTP connection.
Public classDataSubscriber Represents a subscription for an STTP connection.
Public classDefault Measurement flag for a defaults for STTP settings.
Public enumerationCompressionModesObsolete.
Enumeration of the possible compression modes supported by STTP.
Public enumerationConnectStatus Enumeration of the possible connection status results used by the [!:SubscriberConnector].
Public enumerationDataPacketFlags Enumeration of the possible flags for a data packet.
Public enumerationOperationalEncoding Enumeration of the possible string encoding options of an STTP session.
Public enumerationOperationalModes Enumeration of the possible modes that affect how DataPublisher and DataSubscriber communicate during as STTP session.
Public enumerationSecurityMode Enumeration of the possible security modes used by the DataPublisher to secure data sent over the command channel in STTP.
Public enumerationServerCommand Enumeration of the possible server commands received by DataPublisher and sent by DataSubscriber during an STTP session.
Public enumerationServerResponse Enumeration of the possible server responses sent by DataPublisher and received by DataSubscriber during an STTP session.
Public enumerationStateFlags Enumeration of the possible quality states of a [!:Measurement] value.