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OperationalModes Enumeration

Enumeration of the possible modes that affect how DataPublisher and DataSubscriber communicate during as STTP session.

Namespace: sttp.transport
Assembly: (in Version: 1.0.0
public enum OperationalModes
Request Example
Member nameValueDescription
NoFlags0 State where there are no flags set.
VersionMask255 Bit mask used to get version number of protocol.
EncodingMask768 Bit mask used to get character encoding used when exchanging messages between publisher and subscriber.
ImplementationSpecificExtensionMask16,711,680 Bit mask used to apply an implementation-specific extension to STTP.
ReceiveExternalMetadata33,554,432 Bit flag used to determine whether external measurements are exchanged during metadata synchronization.
ReceiveInternalMetadata67,108,864 Bit flag used to determine whether internal measurements are exchanged during metadata synchronization.
CompressPayloadData536,870,912 Bit flag used to determine whether payload data is compressed when exchanging between publisher and subscriber.
CompressSignalIndexCache1,073,741,824 Bit flag used to determine whether the signal index cache is compressed when exchanging between publisher and subscriber.
CompressMetadata2,147,483,648 Bit flag used to determine whether metadata is compressed when exchanging between publisher and subscriber.
Operational modes are sent from a subscriber to a publisher to request operational behaviors for the connection, as a result the operation modes must be sent before any other command. The publisher may silently refuse some requests (e.g., compression) based on its configuration. Operational modes only apply to fundamental protocol control.
See Also