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ServerResponse Enumeration

Enumeration of the possible server responses sent by DataPublisher and received by DataSubscriber during an STTP session.

Namespace: sttp.transport
Assembly: (in Version: 1.0.0
public enum ServerResponse
Request Example
Member nameValueDescription
Succeeded128 Response code indicating a succeeded response.
Failed129 Response code indicating a failed response.
DataPacket130 Response code indicating a data packet.
UpdateSignalIndexCache131 Response code indicating a signal index cache update.
UpdateBaseTimes132 Response code indicating a runtime base-timestamp offsets have been updated.
UpdateCipherKeys133 Response code indicating a runtime cipher keys have been updated.
DataStartTime134 Response code indicating the start time of data being published.
ProcessingComplete135 Response code indicating that processing has completed.
BufferBlock136 Response code indicating a buffer block.
Notify137 Response code indicating a notification.
ConfigurationChanged138 Response code indicating a that the publisher configuration metadata has changed.
UserResponse00224 Response code handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse01225 Response code handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse02226 Response code handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse03227 Response code handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse04228 Response code handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse05229 Response code handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse06230 Response code handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse07231 Response code handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse08232 Response code handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse09233 Response code handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse10234 Response code handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse11235 Response code handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse12236 Response code handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse13237 Response code handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse14238 Response code handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse15239 Response code handling user-defined responses.
NoOP255 Response code indicating a null-operation keep-alive ping.
See Also